OOC ~ The Dream

May 27, 2010 17:00

Fire swirled around her as she slowly opened her eyes. What lay before her were the ruins of a city that looked as though it had been showered upon by meteors. All of the buildings were destroyed, and no one remained in sight, except for a few skeletons that were lying against walls or against rocks.

A bloodshot moon was lingering in the sky as she slowly got to her feet. She could not recall what this place was, or why she had been lying in the street. But as she gazed around at the destroyed buildings, she felt a poignant sense of loss, defeat, and failure. Had she been the one who led to this city’s destruction? She could not answer that question, no matter how hard she tried.

As she stood there, the pavement cold against her bare feet, movement caught her attention, and she glanced briefly to one side. Silhouettes of people materialized out of nowhere, gradually becoming clearer until facial features were visible. She tried with everything she had to remember their identities, but nothing came to mind, except for a disturbing sensation of evil.

A man with pale white hair and skin turned to look at her, a twisted smirk on her face. “This was your fault. If you had not been wandering around the world, none of this would have happened.” An oversized woman (if that was indeed what she was, as grotesque and large as she appeared) then added, “We merely seized the opportunity. You left your people unprotected, giving us an invitation to enter unchallenged. You failed your people and your king.”

Just as suddenly as those silhouettes materialized into people, they faded away into the atmosphere as two different silhouettes appeared before her. One was a young man with a tail and a knife in his hand, and the other was a tall man with pointed ears similar to her own. The man with the tail spoke first. “Hey, listen to me! Those guys don’t know anything. What happened here was not your fault, and it’s not like this can’t be fixed anyway. Don’t listen to them! You’re gonna do everything you can to help, and you’re going to be great at it.” He smiled and nodded encouragingly at her, as the other man opened his mouth to speak.

“You swore to protect your home and everyone who needed it with your spear. This is not the end of your story. You will continue to use your spear to protect the lives of our people. I have confidence that you will bring honor to our city, and through you, we will live on in the minds of others after us…”

Just like the others had before him, the tailed man and the pointy-eared man faded from her sight, but even though they were gone, she still sensed their presence. Where despair had once clouded her thoughts, now she was filled with hope and determination to press on. And although she could not remember the names of the people who had spoken encouragingly to her, she did not feel too troubled by this.

“I am ready to move forward,” she said to the empty air as she began walking towards a point off in the distance. Mist surrounded her and soon, all she felt was the sensation of floating as she drifted off towards a light shining far away from her.

ooc, the dream

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