Figurine Crack Theatre - Naruto Edition

May 09, 2007 20:38

Why yes, I'm insane, why do you ask XD I do plan on collecting more, because these were just too much fun. Especially the Naruto ones, OH GOD WERE THEY FUN!

The Bleach edition can be found at THIS link. WARNING: IMAGE HEAVY AND SLIGHTLY SPOILERISH!!

Again, this would be where my figurines hang out when I don't play with them. Behold my crappy book selection, the photograph that I swear I'm not in cookies to anyone who can find me, besides YOU willowsgrace!, and my Harry Potter Day-by-Day calender, which says May 1st >___>

This is the six of them. I couldn't resist, even if they were slightly expensive, but they were just so awesomely detailed and cool looking.

Another picture where Ichigo shows that size isn't everything how big everyone else is from him XD Well, I guess it's better than the Bankai Ichigo figurine I stuck him next to.

So let's begin. This would be Sasuke.

And this would be the detailing of Sasuke's face. I ♥ it so much, it was one of my favorite scenes watching him go half insane.

This is Naruto. Look at his angry face. RAWR!

Sasuke and Naruto want to fight, which isn't anything new.

Only, Naruto seems to want to attack a certain part of Sasuke >___> Ooookay then, we'll just let them work that out...

Here's Sakura!

Sakura has happened upon Naruto getting intimate with Sasuke's strange bulge No, really, I wondered why he had a little hard-on when I first looked at him.

After some off-screen ass-kicking, Sakura manages to get a decent picture taken of Team 7...

...To which, Kakashi is late for.

So, Kakashi tries to get perverted with Sakura to make up for his lateness. It fails.

Kakashi decides to try again with Sasuke, picking up a few hints from Naruto. And again, he fails.

So, Kakashi goes off to sulk with his funny-looking jelly-fish bomb thing.

With Kakashi sulking, Sakura and Sasuke get a little close. And seriously, his hand is on her ass, and the photograph wouldn't take D: IT LOOKED TOO HYSTERICAL FOR WORDS!

Done sulking, Kakashi offers Naruto a duel.

Here is Gaara.

Here is Gaara mourning over the fact that Sakura has lost her head and her right arm. Fortunatly, they are now super-glued on and will NEVER EVER fall off again.

So, with Sakura's limb back in place, the two of them get a little bit closer....

Shikamaru of all people, objects to this XDDD

So Gaara tries to get his groove on with Sasuke, only to have Shikamaru wave a kunai at him again!

Shikamaru explains that he's only doing this because Destiny is insane, and since she's a really dumb fangirl who is getting much too old to fangirl, he's only trying to dissuade her from doing crack pairings.

For the record, I ♥ you, Shikamaru, and I'm sticking you in the freezer the first chance I get.

In the end, Shikamaru apologizes to me by offering to do a crack pairing photo with Sakura. To keep me at bay, he keeps the kunai. Little does he know that I told Sakura to get a good grab on his ass ;D

Totally cross-posting this to chuunin when I'm able to think straight.

figurine crack theatre

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