[There is an intense look in Wataru's eyes, which is very abnormal for the shy luthier, but the situation calls for it. At his left, Kivat is hovering and flapping, and at his right, Tatsulot. Even the little animals have an intensity to their expressions. He speaks in a low voice
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Looking around himself in the ally they ended up in, he saw some people huddled together, a few dead already while a two grunts where on the ready to kill yet another one. A growl came from Danny's throat. But the mental lock was still there. The collar was on. Can't kill, can't kill, can't kill, can't kill, can't kill... At the same time he wanted to follow Watarus orders. Have to help, have to help, have to help... It was almost splitting him in two. Running towards the uglies, he threw himself on the ground and slided between there legs, ending up in front of them. The humans was so shocked to see Danny, they stopped screaming to stare at him for a few seconds, before the big ugly looked at Danny instead as a new tasty treat...
The darkness surrounding where Kiva had been previously was enough indication to the small creature that a finishing move was being used on the enemies. Darkness Moon Break. He hurried his little dragon body towards Wataru, shouting the luthier's name over and over. "Wataru! Wataru! Big trouble, biiiiig trouble!"
The enemies Kiva defeated burst into flames and shattered metal as the little dragon huffed over to tell Wataru the bad news. With little hesitation, Kiva's transformation broke and the young man rushed towards his friend. Finding the body was easy, his clothes wrapping Danny's form in gaudy brightness, and he knelt beside him, checking to make sure he was alive. "Oh no, no... Danny! Danny, get a hold of yourself! Danny, are you okay, answer me... Danny...!"
The luthier looked around to see a few dead bodies, stillness having settled into the area. "He saved them," Tatsulot whispered from his watch point.
Wataru nodded and smiled. "That's great. You did good, Danny. You saved them."
"Danny, let me treat your wounds," he spoke softly, trying to hide his uncertainty. He pulled off his scarf, as Nago had done for him years ago, prepared to let it be stained in another's blood. "We'll find a weapon for you. So you can destroy the monsters better."
"I don't want you getting hurt," he muttered. "Maybe... you could get people to safety and I could fight, that way you don't get hurt?" It seemed logical to Wataru. Danny, being without weapons or armor, get people to someplace safe, while Wataru using Kiva could easily eliminate the aliens. He kind of wished Nago-san or his brother were there to help them.
"Wataru," Kivat spoke hesitantly, "we need to move out."
"There's movement to the east, presto!" Tatsulot exclaimed, flying closer to the one who inherited Kiva.
Wataru slowly rose from where he had been sitting, and extended a hand for Danny. "Let's go. It's still dangerous."
"We'll go that way," he gestured east, then called for Kivat, who came as instructed and prepared to bite Wataru. "We'll fight together. We'll keep each other and everyone else safe." A smile lit up his lips for a moment before he let Kivat bite his hand and again he returned to being Kiva.
Enemy fire rang out nearby, followed by the cries of a few humans. Without a word, Kiva ran towards the sound, looking for where the cries may have come from. It was instinct guiding Wataru more than anything now.
"Aah~ Come on, Danny!" Tatsulot spun around in the air and followed after Kiva. Time to save people; time for Wataru to show that he really could be a superhero.
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