Dear Wedding Party
We have just over two weeks until Drake and Norrin's wedding! This is a post to touch base with everyone and make sure we're all on the same page for the threading funtimes!
So, if you're involved in the wedding in any way (groomsperson, bridesmaid, Talia, James), there are a few things I'd like to know from you:
1) Have you worked out some kind of clothing? I know Norrin was assigning colours to some people, and as Drake hasn't yet worked out what he's wearing, I'm not expecting huge levels of organisation here. But if we wanted to play around with Photoshop after the fact, it might be nice to have some images/drawings/general ideas.
2) Do you have thread requests? Obviously, we've got The Ceremony and The Reception, but if there are still shopping threads, just-before-the-wedding bachelor parties, random groom freakouts, dancing lessons etc. etc., this is the place to request them and co-ordinate who's going to be in what thread and which journals they'll be hosted on.
3) Who's around on October 31st, and do you have AIM? I'm moving back to my normal timezone this weekend, but it's a Saturday, so there should be some time where at least Naz and I are in the same place to get the bulk of the ceremony threading done, and kick off the reception. Anyone who can be on AIM, please let others know your usernames or alternate means of contacting you, if we need to do anything last minute.
4) I'm not actually this scary, but I'm kinda excited about the whole thing and I don't want it to be too much last minute chaos, though we all know that if it's Drake and Norrin, it can't help but be chaotic! XD
Thank you all for agreeing to be a part of this and hopefully I'll see you for threads soon!
Thread List (updated with requests and suggested muses)
> Picking out rings (Drake and Norrin)
> Norrin's Bachelor Party (Norrin, Saxie, Phoenix, Julian, Addie, Becky)
Here> Last Minute Shopping (Norrin, Julian, Phoenix, Drake, Ryan, Saxie)
Here> Drake Freaks Out (Drake, Saxie, Ysgarlad, Ryan, Talia - anyone else want in?)
> The Ceremony (all)
> The Reception (all)
> The Wedding Night (Drake and Norrin)