Due to circumstances beyond my control (read: stupid university sending me to stupid placement with NO INTERNET, FCOL!), Drake is on hiatus from February 14th until March 22nd.
I understand this is pretty sucky for those involved in tags with him at the moment, and I apologise - trust me, I'd rather this didn't happen either. However, there is an in-canon explanation for his absence, which will be obvious shortly.
Therefore, while I'm sans internet,
asunless_sea will be responsible for where Drake is and what he's doing. If you absolutely MUST contact me because your character's fallen into the sea, please PM
princenotprat and they can contact me IRL.
Please mem this post. I don't want to come back and find myself lost. If something important happens with your character, please just drop me a comment here and I'll catch myself up when I get back.
Once again, I'm really sorry and I look forward to roleplaying with you all when I get back.