Jan 03, 2008 17:08
You know what really irritates me? Girls who prefer guys to be completely bare of body hair, with the exception of their brows and head hair. I honesty think that they're secretly pedophiles, lol. I have dignity, so I am not about to shave my body hair off to look like I'm 12, fuck that! I want to look like a man, not a pubescent teenager/child.
What also irritates me is girls who say that they'll make their guy shave their body hair. Fuck you! If you love the guy, you will love him for who he is and what he looks like. Besides, when they're a lot older, they will have more body hair than now, even in places you wouldn't fathom; ex: ears and nostrils. At that age, you're either just going to have to deal with it or you just won't give a shit anymore, lol.
In conclusion, I like girls who love facial hair and who love chest hair, lol.