My Grammar Theory Test...

Sep 30, 2005 21:28

This is mostly for Sarah, Jesse, Cyn, Audrey, and maybe Bill if he is in a serious mood... but if you have taken Grammar Theory or have opinions on the questions, feel free to post responses.

PART 1: Identify the following items in terms of wht you believe their significance might be to a communication theorist (30 pts):

syntactic component
X <--> Y

Part 2: Essay (30 pts):
We tend to use the word language liberally in such expressins as the "language of poetry" or the "language of flowers" orthe "language of love" or "computer language." Can you offer and explain a definition of language that might include these include these informal usages and please a linguist at the same time? If so, do so. If not, offer a definition and explain why such an undertaking simply can't be done.

Part 3: Essays. Answer TWO of the following (20 pts each)
a) Some people claim that humans "invented" language; others claim that humans "discovered" language. Given current information on the subject (and your understanding of "invented" and "discovered"), how and why might you accept, reject, or modify one or both of these claims? If you reject these claims, how would you account for them and for your rejection in light of the evidence upon which they are based?

b) "People have developed a much more complicated internal life as a result of language, and so can respond not only to thier surroundings but to their own thoughts." Provide evidence from your own life experiences that would either validate or refuse the above quotation, either in part or in whole.

c) In your considered opinion, which single characteristic or feature or quality clearly distinguishes verbal from non-verbal communication? Provide examples.

d) Do non-human animals lack language because they lack intelligence, or do they lack intelligence because they lack language? (Or is this just a stupid question, and if so, how would you rephrase it to make it sound less stupid?)

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