What a great website!

Sep 17, 2012 19:04

This Tumblr is rather magnificent.  I thought some of you other teacher-types might be interested.  It is far too old for the age groups I teach, but those of you who do, say 10 years and up, might find something worth doing.

I also thought it might be fun to answer a few of them myself.  My reason being that Nanowrimo is creeping up on us again, and I fully intend on getting my 3rd win.  I sort of have 3 plots brewing, but I'm not yet decided on which one I will choose, or indeed... any of them.
I've done literally ZERO creative writing since the last nano, so it might be no bad thing to oil the ol' brain-cogs with a few short & sweet writing prompts.
Might as well start with the one above.  You could play along and guess the objects I describe. :)
  1. A metal object, approximately 6 inches long and half an inch wide at the narrowest point.  Vaguely flat and stick-like, apart from at one end where it widens considerably to form a smooth, bowl-like oval.  Item has "Stainless steel" engraved on the flat surface, but otherwise no other markings.  It's usage is unclear, but possibly it was used for medical procedures with the thin, flat end acting as some kind of handle and the curved bowl used to move and manipulate internal cavities.
  2. A primarily glass object, vaguely spherical, but narrowing to a dull point at one end.  This end is coated in a ridged metal covering which is cylindrical in shape.  The glass on the spherical end is cloudy, but looking through it one can just make out 2 small metal prongs fixed within it, with a thin wire connecting the 2.  It's usage is also unclear, but it may be some sort of storage container.  Although the ridged metal end appears fused now, there may have been a time where it unscrewed and one could fix small items to the metal prongs for safe-keeping.
  3. A rectangular box.  Approx. 6 inches long, 4 inches high and an inch deep.  On one of the large flat sides is a black circle which opens up to reveal a glass circle contained within.  On the opposite side of the box is a large square panel that appears to be glass.  Surrounding it are circles that can be compressed easily with the fingertip.  On a long thin edge is a small dial that can be turned, along with more compressible circles.  It's use is perhaps as some sort of child's toy?  I could imagine a small child would be encouraged to work on their fine motor skills by pressing on the circles.

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