So...I've been helping out a French cosplayer on who's making a DMC3 Lady costume. She doesn't speak much English, but can read it decently. I'm exactly the same way with French. So, we write in our native languages and try to understand each other to the best of our abilities, using BabelFish to fill in the gaps with any words or phrases we don't know. I"m surprised how much French I remember.
ANYHOW! The point of this post!
She...she made me a tribute video, to me and Bucky's Dante and Lady costumes. 0.o I'm flattered. I really don't know how to's not a bad video at all. It's actually decently well made, and to a song I like and find somewhat applicable to the game.
The video is here -> Just when I was losing hope in the DMC costuming community, someone comes along and revives it. I'm actually excited to repair Kalina Ann and fix the few bits of my costume I'm unhappy with! This girl's costume is turning out rather well, too. She's finished the ammokilt and most of Kalina Ann...I'll post it when she sents me a completed pic.