Nov 10, 2005 20:16
I wake up today with a rainbow over my bed on the ceiling. You think that would be a good omen of things to come, but it hasn't been that great of a day. I go to advisement and they took forever to just let me see an advisor (one hour). I was to have my appointment at 11. I go in for like FIVE MINUTES pretty much to discuss this and that about what I wanted. So I didn't get to eat lunch before class like I wanted or thought I would be able to do. Next on my day MY COMPUTER DECIDES TO HATE ME!!!!!
HOW you might ask? Well, awhile back for some reason my compy wouldn't find something right with my Bios, I got it working again of course (though I don't know how), and then this same problem happens again. So I'm doing all the stuff I did last time to get it working and it STILL WOULDN'T WORK! So I unplug and replug everything to my computer (even the printer) and it magically started working again. I think Jeff is right, I do need to just buy a new case and all the fixings. I don't have the money for that though, yet I will need an upgrade at least for my art stuff I'll be taking in the future.
So yes, I'm a declared Art Major now. BFA with Graphic Arts concentration, I got all the stuff I need to take, it looks interesting, I think I can do well at this stuff. I looked at the art in the humanities building yesterday and can say already that I have the skill level needed. Let's hope this applies at GCSU too! So yeah, to get out of drawing 1 I need to show them my portfolio. If I get out of it, I'm taking Life Drawing next semester.