I escaped from the Dungeon of DestinedWarrior!
I killed Dryearlylth the nymph, Ajara Kimbrose the giant spider, Skibbleyboo66 the leprechaun and Philsov the arch-demon.
I looted the Armour of Phantom Of the Opera, the Amulet of Drawing, the Dagger of Shaman King, the Sword of the Unicorns, the Armour of Dragons, the Armour of Legend Of Mana, the Wand of Jekyll And Hyde, the Dagger of Dark Is Rising Sequence and 107 gold pieces.
Score: 132
Explore the Dungeon of DestinedWarrior and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own dungeon...
This thing is awesome, thanks to my friend Humble_l I found out about this. Go play my dungeon and make your own, anddddd uhhh there may be some places you won't be able to get to, it ain't perfect but it sure is fun.