Load yourself with water. Keep your stomach totally full of water at all times! There is less room
for food... obviosly!
Become a vegetarian! Meat is fat and disgusting!
Fat free choclate milk is good for sweet cravings.
Set yourself some rules! If you're a true Ana, you won't have any problem following them. Ana
When you get the urge to snack, clean something, and use lots of chemicals. The smell wil curb
your appetite
Chew sugar-free gum. It will make you more hungry at first, but later you'll get nauseas.
Don't ever eat out!
Don't eat anything you don't know the nutritional values of!
Tea helps to calm a hungry belly. It soothes and fills you up.
Chew your food untill it dissolves
Drink sparkling water or Crystal Clear, it fills you up more!