fannish feels

Apr 23, 2019 13:28

Internet (and real) friends, do you ever just...bask in your fannishness for a moment? Like, you're in the car, and you have an hour's drive so you put on some music, and you start thinking about how those songs apply to your faves, and how you just love them all, and you love how they love (and hate) each other, and you think about all the things about this character and this canon that make this fandom perfect for you (loyalty, sacrifice, kindness, compassion, doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do, NO YOU MOVE, I'd just cut the wire, your name is Steve, next time you ride with me, he's my friend, I didn't want you to be alone, I do what he does only slower, I could do this all day...oh wait, that's what makes this one perfect for me, yours could be different), and you think about all the possible ways the canon could go next, and you think about how far they've come, and you just...drift along for a while, loving everyone in this bar, and you think about various stories, and how all the many pairings are each excellent in their own way, and you pick over some things you kind of want to write, and vids you're going to go look up and watch again, and it's...such a pleasant space to be in, and you're just FULL OF FEELS and your heart overflows????

That's where I was this morning with the MCU, and let me tell you, it's a lot easier when one is on internet blackout and can't see all the ranting and negativity and stress and anxiety and whatever. But now I'm FILLED WITH LOVE for my faves, and entirely devoid of spoilers, and I will go bravely into Endgame in a few days and I will come out the other side, looking for people who feel these feels, too. *starts building the blanket fort*

mcu, fandom, fannishness

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