Recs and other happy things on a Saturday

Mar 02, 2019 12:46

Some happy things for a Saturday!

1. Today's Google Doodle is Desi Arnaz! This is very pleasing to me, as he was one of my earliest crushes (he ranked right up there with Spock and Underdog when I was 3, I'm sure he'd be honored) and he was also a pioneer and innovator in early TV. Neither he nor Lucy get enough credit for their technical and producing innovations. Yay Desi!

2. Something absolutely amazing happened a couple days ago that I can't talk about just yet, but it has led to me working on a longish rarepair MCU story I've been trying to finish for years, and that makes me so happy.

3. Two weeks from tomorrow I'll be in Scotland, where there are two weeks of full Scottish breakfasts waiting for me. I realize this is probably not on most people's radars when they go to Scotland. They're thinking about things like time traveling through a ring of stones into a book with a bad plot, or being that one person ever to actually see Nessie. Me, though, I'm rolling for the tea and tattie scones. (The wilderness hikes in the Orkneys will be okay too, I guess.)

4. I scraped together all of my spare pennies to support VidUKon and as a result,
killabeez will be making a thing. Normally I say things like, she's making me a thing but it's really for everyone. But not this time! This time it's for me, and if other people love it too, great! However, I'm well aware this might be an audience of two kind of thing. *g* (To be fair to myself, I had the same thought when I asked the fabulous
rhoboat to make Deep for me, many moons and auctions ago, and as it turned out, no matter how eyebrow-raising an idea may seem, I am often on point with things people didn't even know they wanted.)

laurashapiro came to visit me and it was awesome, and then she left, and I was sad. It's always super to talk fandom and fannish things and life stuff with the people who've been in my life for many years. While she was here I remembered that I'd written a Fraser/Vecchio story 15 years ago and then took it off the internet and forgot all about it. I found it, tho, buried on my website on a hidden page. I guess the website is good for something. I should put that up on AO3. (Sometimes I think I will never actually get everything I've written onto AO3. Or it'll be like the Clarke story, and once the last story is uploaded, the stars start winking out.)

6. A week ago in Target, there was a young man (maybe early 30's?) buying a book (GRRM's ASOIAF) and a pair of insoles in line ahead of me. I was just standing there wishing to be anywhere else, because I was just so tired. This young man put down a divider on the belt for me, and then he said, "Can I help you put those things on the belt?" He startled me. Heh. I was like, sure! Thanks! And he said, "It's my pleasure," and he smiled, and unloaded my cart, and then left me alone thank god (because I was so afraid there'd be small talk expectations of some sort). But no! And then after he'd checked out, he wished the checker a good day, and then smiled at me again and said, "I hope you have a great day," and I was like. Are you. For Real? I can't even tell you how long it's been since a random stranger was kind to me. I'm forever letting people go ahead of me, and paying for strangers who are scrounging for change, and paying for the people behind me at Starbucks, and getting things down for older folks who can't get to them, but I don't think I realized how much I had just become accustomed to people being rude to me until someone wasn't just nice, they were kind. That was super.

7. Vid recs!!! -
jetpack_monkey made a Flash Gordon vid, and it's completely delightful. You should all Go watch it. *g* I feel like I had another rec to make. Oh! Duh,
killabeez made a Thor-as-little-black-dress vid which is GUARANTEED to make your life immediately better. May I present: Timber. Also,
nestra made a God's Own Country vid which gave me feels: I Still Do. I had heard there was going to be a list of what premiered at Escapade, but I haven't seen it. Alas.

8. Speaking of which, I premiered a Holmes/Watson (the RDJ/Jude Law versions) vid: deep blue sea. I feel like everyone who wants to see it has seen it by now, but I heart that vid, so I'm not above pointing it out one more time. (thank you killa!)

9. I was immediately and completely hooked on a canon pairing in the Roswell reboot show. But I don't like anything else in the show. Nevertheless, I know how to use the ffwd button, so I skip everything that isn't Alex Manes and Michael Guerin making out, pretty much. It's worth it. Other shows I similarly watch on ffwd: Shadowhunters, for Magnus/Alec, and The Magicians, for Quentin and Eliot.

10. I adulted very much this morning, and now I'm going to have a nap, and when I wake up it'll just be one week til Captain Marvel. I'm not actually into Captain Marvel, but she could win me over, because go Air Force!, and also allegedly she's a badass. (Currently I'm trying to forgive Brie Larson for saying all the other Marvel characters but hers were 'weak' before they got their powers. *eyeroll*) But meanwhile, there'll be Jude Law and Nick Fury and young Coulson before he went to TV and became annoying, and also a cat and some hints about Endgame and Lee Pace and Gemma Chan, so. It'll work out.

This is a long post. But I don't feel like cutting. Hope you all have a restful Saturday. <3!

vidding, mcu, vid recs, life, vids

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