Justice League

Nov 18, 2017 12:57

It wasn't perfect, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. DCU finally got with the times, so there are TWO post-movie scenes. Stay til the very end of the credits.

So, who's now shipping Arthur and Diana? Because I sure as hell am. That scene where he was accidentally ass-lassoed and blurted out ALL his thoughts made my whole week. *g* In general, Aquaman and Wonder Woman (and Batfleck) were the best parts of this movie for me. She was awesome; AM was excellent; Batfleck has settled comfortably into his role as grumpy, bruised non-mentor, and I liked the way they handled his all-too-human weaknesses - both seriously, and as the brunt of several jokes.

Wonder Woman continues to outshine everyone - tho I wish she'd give her wrists a rest. Heh. I'm happy she was prominent in this, and clearly the leader of this team, even after Superman arrived. Also, Amazons kicking a whole lot of ass were AMAZING, truly spectacular. So great.

Nice, fast nod to the Green Lantern Corps in the big flashback battle scene. Good way to introduce them for the fans who were hoping to see them.

I liked Cyborg. I expected not to care in the least about him, but he won me over. Meanwhile, I have a perfectly excellent Flash on TV already, thanks, and we've already been through his immense dad-angst. I didn't really care to see a rehash of his story, so it was a relief to me that they cut to the chase (so to speak) with Barry, and that we only got his dad in sort of a scene-setting kind of way. I felt bad for Ezra Miller that they made him carry the burden of most of the comedy...but he was equal to the challenge. I liked him a lot.

What to say about Superman. Well. I am not a fan of Cavill, as anyone who has been reading my journal for more than a minute knows. And I really didn't enjoy his building-destroying, villain-killing, dour, miserable movie. And I didn't like him in BvS; I hate ultra-serious Superman almost as much as I dislike moralistic and superior Cap. It's not true to character. A person can lead without being an asshole. See: Wonder Woman. (Honestly, just give her a franchise and let's dump the rest. But I digress. Also, how great that they called out Bruce being an asshole? VERY GREAT.) All I can say is, THANK GOD FOR JOSS WHEDON (uh-oh I think I just heard five people defriend me, whoops) because he restored some humor to Superman, and shot scenes to emphasize his humanity, and dumped the dourly violent newly resurrected Supes almost immediately. He joked while he was helping to save the world! Which is as it should be. I can almost 100% guarantee that was because of Whedon's retools, because Zack Snyder would never, and that's why I dislike his vision of the DCU so much. Bleh. I hope he stays gone, he fucked this thing up pretty badly prior to this film, and it's just now showing signs of life.

Speaking of that...listen, I have a perfectly excellent Deathstroke on my TV, too, and Manu Bennett cannot ever be topped in the role, so I have mixed feelings about the impending Legion of Doom. I can't stand Eisenberg's Luthor, and I was like...who's THAT guy?...when Wilson took off his mask. (The answer is, it was Joe Manganiello, according to the internet; I literally didn't recognize him.) That was supposed to be a woo-hoo for the fans, I guess? Do they think the fans don't watch TV? Do they not realize that JUST LAST WEEK we got the most beautiful Slade Wilson episode of all time and he shook hands with Oliver and it was amazing??? IDK. Whatever. (The guy behind me at the theater was all, Deadpool WTF? and I had to turn around and explain, and he was like, why are their names so similar??! and I was like, buddy, there's not enough time in the universe to explain how much Marvel and DC ripped each other off in the golden and silver ages of comics...and I have to go home and post about your hilarity on the internet now, so Google is your friend.)

Big props to Danny Elfman, tho, for bringing everything together thematically through the music. I actually whooped in the theater when I heard THE ORIGINAL FUCKING BATMAN THEME CIRCA 1989 HOLY SHIT. :D :D :D And there were strains of the Superman theme, and of course they used the Wonder Woman theme...and then when Flash was running, Elfman sneaked in a few strains of the Flash intro from the current TV SHOW and possibly a few strains of the original TV show theme, I am gone (but in a good way).

Also I give thanks to Whedon for whatever gods of post-production he bribed to bring color back into the DCU, because that cold desaturated thing was not working for me in the last two Superman movies, and I was already cringing at the idea of it. But it was not that! It was better! Let there be light!!!!

The villain and his flying fear-eaters were a hot mess, tho. Nothing could have saved that. Like, the whole plot was basically nonsensical, but really, aren't all these superhero movie plots except for Winter Soldier? I could drive a truck through The Dark World's plot holes and convenient devices, and same for Guardians of the Galaxy. They just looked prettier, because Marvel spent enough for the CGI to make them so. (I think either WB has to up their CGI game by putting some money behind it, or firing WETA.)

I finally feel like I got a DC movie (other than WW) that I can stand behind, though; it didn't suck, and at this point that's enough. Yay.

dceu, wonder woman, the flash, superman, batman

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