New vid: Farewell Ride (Tombstone)

Aug 05, 2017 07:47

My penultimate VVC Premieres show vid! One more to go, next year. But I probably won't like that one as much as I like this one.

Vid: Farewell Ride
Vidder: Destina
Fandom: Tombstone
Song: Farewell Ride by Beck
Length: 03:14
Thank you to
killabeez for looking it over, and for reassuring me it was A-OK to go old skool in Premieres. Thanks to
barkley also.

password: huckleberry

image You can watch this video on

Farewell Ride on Vimeo in case embed doesn't work

Notes: A character study of Doc Holliday, and of the relationship between Doc and Wyatt.

Two white horses in a line
Two white horses in a line
Two white horses in a line
Carrying me to my burying ground
Some need diamonds, some need love
Some need cards, some need luck
Some need dollar bills lining their clothes
All I need is
All I need is
Two white horses in a line
Two white horses in a line
Two white horses in a line
Take me for my farewell ride

Some may say this might be
Your last farewell ride
Some may say this might be
Your last farewell ride

I don't see the face of kindness
I don't hear the mission bells
I don't smell the morning roses
All I see is
All I see is
Two white horses in a line
Two white horses in a line
Two white horses in a line
Carry me to my buryin' ground


tombstone, vidding, my vids, vids

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