For Killa - New Orleans!

Jan 06, 2014 18:31

killabeez asked: you and I go to New Orleans together for two weeks. What do we do? What do we eat? Where do we stay? What kind of trouble do we get into? What music do we not miss? Is it Mardi Gras? (Possibly a silly question.) If so, which parades do we go to?

HAHAHAHA OMG WHAT TROUBLE WOULD WE NOT GET INTO. :D I mean, last time I went, I ended up drunk and singing on a street corner with street musicians, and that was after (before? not sure) I kissed a pirate on Bourbon Street. Hey, he was into it. That is the real answer to your question. But for a more sedate and honest answer - I would not be in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Too many people. Spring (April and May) seems to me like the best time. Not too hot, no hurricanes, no insane crowds of people trying to show me their naked parts. *g*

Since I've only been to New Orleans once, and only for a week, there is SO MUCH left for me to do! I haven't been down Frenchmen St. and gone to all the places to hear music. EVERY KIND OF LIVE JAZZ AND BLUES EVER PLEASE. I haven't gone to the Garden District. I haven't eaten at all the dives. (I love dives!) Aaaaand I haven't been to all the famous spots, either. I hit most of the popular museums, especially those in/near the French Quarter, but there are tons left to see. So I would probably ask YOU where to go, and then follow you there, like a puppy.

As for food: ANYTHING, ANYWHERE. Except Brennan's. I was severely underwhelmed by Brennan's. Never again. (Actually, I was kind of underwhelmed by Napoleon House, too. I confess.) But I loved Bayona, where I had a tiny beautiful cocktail called a Stormy Morning with elderberry and violette liqueur, and a mocha banana torta that I have literally dreamed about since then. And I loved Johnny's, and I loved the giant Bloody Marys at Royal House (which I roamed around the French Quarter drinking, and when I ran out I'd circle back and get another, YUMMMMM), and I fell in love with the vanilla ice cream pancakes at Stanley. And I would want to get frozen cafe au lait at Cafe du Monde and sit on the steps going down to the river, because when I did that with traveller, it was three of the happiest hours of my whole life.

As for where to stay: FRENCH QUARTER. It has my heart forever and ever.

This post basically boils down to I HEART NEW ORLEANS and I wish to be there right now. <3

new orleans

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