For LaT - why the Spartacus series rocked my world

Jan 05, 2014 09:36

latxcvi asked: Why did the Spartacus series(es) rock your world?This is one of my favorite topics in all the world, and I really regret that I don't have time to go into deep, detailed meta on everything I loved. I'll have to hit the highlights. There will be some very minor spoilers in this post. I'm not cutting them because a) the show's been over for a ( Read more... )


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Comments 23

svilleficrecs January 5 2014, 18:33:29 UTC
Sooooo goooooooood this show. Oh god. I just rewatched the first few eps recently for the first time since the series finale and I was just like ... YOU I LOVE YOU, AND I HATE YOU AND OH GOD BB I KNOW WHAT'S COMING FOR YOU AND I MISS YOUUUU. The whole. damn. ep.


destina January 5 2014, 21:44:28 UTC
Ahhhhhhhh that is the BEST THING about a rewatch - that all the foreshadowing and symbolism comes out, and also the OMG NOOOOO of knowing what is coming. :D


giselleslash January 5 2014, 19:49:04 UTC
Just reading this post makes ALL THE SPARTACUS LOVE flow through me. There's definitely a rewatch in my very near future.


destina January 5 2014, 21:45:10 UTC
<3<3! I think I've rewatched it three times now, and it's ranking right up there with Rome as my most-rewatched show ever. So much great TV.


nestra January 5 2014, 20:07:54 UTC


destina January 5 2014, 21:46:06 UTC
There is nothing not to love! Except maybe all the awkward naked posturing in the first couple eps in the ludus. Poor Manu Bennett and Andy Whitfield. I wonder if they were told they'd have to wrestle naked before they were cast, or after? *g*


In That Scene cattraine January 5 2014, 20:35:34 UTC
Where Nasir sees the return of the wounded Agron after the prisoner exchange where the music swells…I think I actually blubbered a bit. LOL.
I admit I watched for them and their story for once it was nice to not see the gay characters killed off.


Re: In That Scene destina January 5 2014, 21:46:48 UTC
Ahahaha, if only that were the only moment that made me cry! *g* I cried through quite a lot of the last episode. Stupid, awesome show.


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destina January 5 2014, 21:42:31 UTC
Awwww, yay! :D I still have some trouble believing that this show I was actually mocking the first few episodes turned out to be so fantastic. Honestly, it's like a glorious little TV miracle. *g* My only advice is to make sure that after you watch Blood and Sand, you watch the prequel Gods of the Arena before you go on to War of the Damned and Vengeance (which is the order in which things originally aired, and it's quite satisfying that way). It makes everything so much richer because you learn the backstory after you get to know the characters, and the prequel is possibly my favorite part of the entire show.


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