Recs: Skyfall, Merlin, Spartacus

Apr 13, 2013 16:24

Just a few, because I haven't had time to read much lately.


How To Have An Office Romance: A Comprehensive Guide by laughtershock - 8070 words, Bond/Q. In which Bond makes Q work for it.

Watch by professorfangirl - 7468 words, Bond/Q. In which Bond and Q have their eyes on each other. Some really lovely turns of phrase in this. It is actually the sequel to Prowl.


Night Sky Changing Overhead by flammablehat - A story with very little context, featuring Lord Pendragon and a Merlin who does something or other for him on staff. And then there's sex.

with fire and sword by glimmergirl, and its remix, and into ploughshares, by i_claudia. Roman AU, where Arthur is a gladiator, and Merlin is the emperor's son.

Spartacus: War of the Damned

world enough and time by aeternium - 1885 words, Agron/Nasir. The process of learning to share a home and heart.

Two Nights by rivlee - 7633 words, Agron/Nasir. It's really two separate stories, featuring Agron, Nasir, and horses. What.

Above All In My Mad Heart by the swearingkind - 776 words, Agron/Nasir. In which Nasir comes to terms with what it means to want things for himself.

River Running Free by aeternium - 2207 words, Agron/Nasir (tho not necessarily the focus of these vignettes). Conversations about the future.

recs, merlin recs

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