TV and Paperlegends nattering

Feb 11, 2013 18:31

You know, I didn't mean to go silent, but I realized today it's been two weeks since I posted anything substantive. Life has just been terribly busy, and I sometimes feel that what I want to say here isn't worth the effort of typing it. That's a terrible attitude to take, especially since I just added some new people to my reading list. (Hi, new people. I will eventually make a 'things about me' post. But given the current state of affairs, that could take a while.)

So the Pope resigned and Supernatural was renewed, all in the same day. Hmmm. An interesting coincidence. You guys can set free those demons you forced to do your bidding, now. *g* Anyway, yay for Supernatural fandom! It truly is the little show that could. (And yay for Arrow's renewal, too!)

On the topic of Paper Legends, I'm having a hard time choosing the story I want to tackle. One story is a quiet post-5x13 love story between Merlin and Arthur with a twist, involving canon-era and modern era, which I think would be amazingly fun and challenging to write. (I have a bit of it written already.) And the other is a sequel to Stars Above, Stones Below, which would theoretically involve epic BAMF magic use, and would be a joy to write because I love the universe that story exists within. I think the one I was leaning toward is possibly not the one most people would want to read. Adding to my reluctance is the fact that I'm intimidated by the prospect of writing a sequel to Stars Above; I fear that the sequel might be a let-down. It's a nice problem to have, but I'll have to decide pretty quickly.

Also, there's new TV to talk about.

I'm liking The Following a lot already. For instance, is it just me, or did the show just imply in the strongest possible terms that Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy slept together??? BECAUSE IF SO THEY ARE A BRAVE SHOW. And if not, I love their subtext. *g* I dig the gay-not-gay subplot, too, because it lends a nice tension. Just a bunch of incestuously gay serial killers shacking up together. The cult aspects of this are scary and weird and uncomfortable, and the shocking violence is all the more shocking because you *know* it's coming but then stuff happens and I'm just O.O and it's awesome. Plus, James Purefoy and Kevin Bacon, what is not to love???

And also,

I was skeptical about The Americans, because Keri Russell is not the actress who comes to mind when I think to myself, who can believably play a covert Russian operative? But then the FBI moved in across the street, all paranoid and brownie-eating. And THEN, Felicity's fake husband killed her KGB rapist because he had hurt her like 20 years ago, and for no other reason, and that turned her on because she's a hard-core patriotic Soviet killing machine or something, and I fell in love with it totally. I'm going to stick with it for a few more episodes, because I liked how she kicked ass. (I didn't think she had the chops to carry a whole TV show on her own. But we'll see.)

And finally,

This season of Spartacus continues to be awesome. Even the things that are ridiculous, like Agron's stilted jealous dialogue, or Thor!Caesar's silly, silly hair, are just fine with me, because holy mother of wow, did you see that Agron/Nasir sex scene? SMOKING HOT. Even hotter because it was preceded by Agron beating the shit out of that pirate while in a full-on jealous rage. Damn. I love this show a lot. I'm starting to dread what comes next, because the gladiators should start dropping like flies any minute now. Woe.

supernatural, the americans, paperlegends, writing, the following

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