Thing the first! I'm not sure I've ever participated in a friending meme before, because I'm cautious about who I add to my flist. But I so need more Merlin fans in my life, and more people who are staying on LJ, so it is time!
LJ Is Alive!A Multifandom LiveJournal Friending Meme
Tumblr is great, but my fandom heart is in LJ.
Thing the second!
Porn Battle XIV is on!!
Go forth, find interesting prompts, write porn! :D For posterity, I'm going to put the prompts I made under a cut - I made prompts for 11 fandoms, including Merlin and The Eagle, and I actually might write one of these myself if it doesn't get picked up. *g*
Merlin, Arthur Pendragon/Merlin/Gwaine, tender, touch, claim, shiver, possess, willing, secret
Merlin, Arthur Pendragon/Merlin, careful, honest, furs, warmth, blue, generous, midnight
Merlin, Merlin/Gwaine, starved, close, stars, wistful, distance, palm, soothe
Kings, Jack Benjamin/David Shepard, serve, kneel, crown, sharp, fire, oath
Band of Brothers, Lewis Nixon/Dick Winters, frozen, forbidden, guilt, quiet, truth
Ocean's 11/12/13, Danny Ocean/Rusty Ryan, pleasure, curve, thrill, cover, tattoo
Angel, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce/Charles Gunn, penance, devotion, sacrifice, willing, keep
The Dark Knight Rises, Bruce Wayne/John Blake, begin, create, explore, know, satisfy
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, accept, bare, regret, safe, protect
Anna and the King (1999), Anna Leonowens/King Mongkut, private, blossom, gentle, rain
The Eagle, Esca MacCunoval/Marcus Aquila, hearth, fields, sky, copper, ink, bleed
Skyfall, James Bond/Q, scar, direct, angle, think, close
Ivanhoe (1982), Wilfred of Ivanhoe/Rebecca, return, possess, honor, veil, sunrise
Thing the third! Um, does anyone here have an existing list of Bond/Q (also known as 00Q) recs, so I can find the good stuff? I am currently unable to resist this pairing. At all. Provided the writer doesn't turn Bond into a marshmallow. (Choose the form of the destructor! No, that's not it.) ANYWAY. A03 is starting to have a 90% chaff, 10% wheat problem, and finding the wheat is harder than it used to be.