Friday: Trek, Tatum, festivids, and dancing

Sep 07, 2012 10:59

Trek: Don't miss today's Google Doodle, in honor of the 46th anniversary of Star Trek. You can click around on it for happymaking Trek sounds. AND! There are three progressive interactive doodles, which tell a wee story of Kirk, the Gorn, and one poor red-shirt. \o/

21 Jump Street: I watched this last night, and I thought it was not very funny. Probably I am not their ideal audience. The best parts were the end credits (which were BRILLIANT) and

I love Johnny Depp about as passionately as it's possible to love an actor, and this just reinforced my love. We got: disguise, hilarious bromance with Peter DeLuise (BE STILL MY ORIGINAL JUMP STREET HEART), and a gory, hilarious death. But it's kind of sad when his one minute onscreen is the only good minute of the movie. I still love Channing Tatum and his abs, so I'm going to forgive him for this movie. Especially if he keeps playing Romans and/or taking his clothes off frequently.

Festivids: Nominations begin Sept 14. I'm not sure I'm going to participate this year, because last time, I think I was lucky to get a match for my offers. The things I want to/am willing to/have time to vid are not things people want to have vids for, apparently. I'll have to take a look at what's being requested and see if it looks do-able for me.

Dancing: here are videos of two numbers from this past week's So You Think You Can Dance. First, Cole and Eliana - Adagio for Strings (choreo by Mia Michaels). I'm not sure I've ever related so much on a personal level to a piece in a 'me vs. my work/life' kind of way; that ending, wow. Link is here in case embed fails.

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And then, Cyrus and Comfort doing dubstep, WOW. So much fun to watch. Link, in case embed fails.

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festivids, star trek, channing tatum's abs, so you think you can dance

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