It has been a very bad week for me. Very, very bad. However, on the bright side - it's Friday, I get to spend most of the weekend editing my Merlin BB story, and best of all, I just paid for my very last class of grad school. \o/. And also, soon I will be at VVC with people who will make me smile. To celebrate, have two more Merlin recs!
The Lost by Ultra Geek on - 52,000 words, gen. Fantastic hurt/comfort story, wherein Merlin is in Arthur's chambers one minute, and wakes up hurt and alone in a strange place the next. The relationships in this story between Merlin and Arthur, Arthur and his knights, and the knights with Merlin, are excellent. Plus the central mystery resolves in a very satisfying way. Loved it.
I want you (so bad it's driving me mad) by dapixam_q on AO3 - M/A, 5000 wds. Heh, pissy, jealous Arthur is one of my fave things, especially when he's funny. I'm mostly recommending this one for the very first section of the story, which had some great lines, and made me laugh.