Spartacus: Vengeance finale

Mar 30, 2012 22:56

For my money, that was one of the best and most satisfying hours of TV I've seen in ages.

HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS. THE DEATH TOLL! Ashur, Oenamaus, Glaber, Lucretia, and Mira! WHAT THE HELL!!!! OK, Glaber and Oenamaus were completely predictable, because: history. BUT OH MY GOD. I don't even know where to start!

MIRA. MIRAAAAAAAAAAAA. SO SAD!!!!! I loved her!!! Wow, and it's even more tragic because deep down, Spartacus didn't love her the way she wanted him to, and that is tragic as hell. She gave her life for him, and he basically can only grieve with the tiny part of his heart that was left after Glaber ripped it out of his chest. Oh, wow, the look on Naevia and Crixus' faces when she died, there. OH MY GOD. MIRA. I am going to miss her so much next season. She was fierce and fearless and loved with her whole being, and she was amazing.

But on the heels of that: NAEVIA!!! I was totally cheering and screaming and shouting at my TV! It was perfect poetic justice that she be the one to cut off that cockroach Ashur's head. THREE BLOWS, HOLY COW. Her telling Crixus that he was right, that it's not so easy to cleave a man's head from his shoulders with one blow, and him telling her he'd teach her, was PERFECTION. I have not cheered that loudly at a TV show in, wow, I don't even remember when. SO HAPPY. The entire slave army standing around, watching her take care of business, was AMAZING. NAEVIA!!!! \o/!!!

Bye, Ashur! That was one well-deserved death, hell yeah. And his little rat army turning on him for money and land, heh. Of course.

Oh, wow, Gannicus and Oenamaus. I cried like a baby when Gannicus took Oenamaus in his arms. I think by then I was already wounded because of Mira, and then when Oenamaus said that he and his wife would greet Gannicus in the afterlife, I burst into tears. Oenamaus has been my favorite character, almost from the beginning; the first moment Doctore came on the screen, I was 100% a fan. He turned out to be a kind, compassionate warrior with honor, and I'm so sad he's gone. :/ Gannicus joining the rebels completely feels almost hollow, because of that.

Wow, and when Oenamaus got on Gannicus' ropes? YAY. :D

Lucretia and Illythia, AHAHAHA, OMG. It was a contest to see who was going to get to whom first, and although it looked like Lucretia won, I had a growing horror there that was proved right in the end. She turned out to be ACTUALLY NUTS! That is the best fake-out ever. I was so sure she ws all sane and right in the head, and then when she said to Illythia that her baby coming early was a warning sign from the gods, I was like, UH OH, I thought we were all agreed this gods stuff was total crap - wtf?! Ohhhhh, THIS SHOW! SO GOOD!

And finally - the showdown between Spartacus and Glaber. SO LONG IN COMING, so completely and utterly satisfying. :D The flashbacks just showed that without a doubt, this has all been for and about Sura, and that for Spartacus, this is the only closure that would ever satisfy him. As sorry as I am to see Glaber go, I'm totally excited because next season, we will get both Crassus and possibly even Pompey, WHEEEE. Um. But that begs the question, how much longer can this show go on? Vesuvius and Glaber is just one step on the path to the end. The Third Servile War goes on a bit longer, and includes a few different campaigns with various generals, but in the end, Crassus takes Spartacus and his minions down pretty hard. (Hey, this happened a couple millennia ago; the spoiler period is over.) Next season, I expect Crixus to go down. I WILL BE CRYING BITTER TEARS. But honestly, they are all doomed. I'm just curious to see how the show will play it out, and what amazing things will happen along the way. I'm sure it will be fantastic.

The only downside to this ep was that it had zero Agron/Nasir. However, I've been waiting two and a half seasons for some of these plotlines to be resolved, and they were tonight, and in SUCH a satisfying way!!! EXCELLENT TEEVEE. I am so happy. Except, now we have to wait forever for the next season! BOO.


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