Fannish grab bag: Eagle, Spartacus, H50, Merlin

Mar 03, 2012 10:41

H50: If you've been wondering why Alex O'Loughlin looks like hell on the show lately, here's the answer. At least he was smart enough to go to rehab before the meds took over his life.

Merlin: Only three people gave me h/c prompts when I asked about them, so I was able to write snippets for all three of you. I might post those tomorrow. I need to finish up the two porn battle mutant stories and post those, and then I have to get started on paperlegends, eep.

The Eagle: I have recs!!! There have been new Marcus/Esca canon-era stories posted in that fandom in the last few weeks! Oh, happy day.

In Borcovicus by isiscolo - One of my favorite things is Esca tending to Marcus. It never gets old. Here it is, written beautifully, and with book-canon leanings.

Roman Principles by rebeccaann08 - Marcus is filled with frustrated longing; Esca clues him in. *g* (And a second story by this writer, Haven, because a Marcus who suffers for love is one of my favorite things.)

Fervet Olla, Vivit Amicitia by songbird - Marcus cooks while Esca works. Adorable non-sappy domesticity.

Spartacus: I <3 THIS SHOW.

OH MY HEART Agron and Nasir and their smiling welcome-home kisses, SO MUCH GLEE. :D Unfortunately that was really all we had of them this week, but I'm OK with it because there is an Agron-centric story arc developing and I'm content to wait.

Meanwhile, Spartacus and Gannicus fighting was so perfect. I remember thinking, after watching Gods of the Arena, that it was very interesting how Spartacus had learned to fight with two swords, like Gannicus -- and it was all so things could come to that moment. Well, as far as I'm concerned, it was, because that was AMAZING AND SO AWESOME OMG. Not long enough tho. I suppose if it had gone on much longer, one of the two of them would have been killed, and of course we can't have that.

MIRA! Interrupting the testosterone fest by spearing the traitor in their midst with an arrow! Such a sad way for that girl to go down, but you know. Even so. Mira was terrific - observant, strong, competent. YES.

I was wondering if they were going to deal with Naevia's trauma at all, and I'm glad they did. Crixus is totally going to teach her to fight, and she is going to be badass, and reclaim her life, and all will be well. Except how it won't be, because this is Spartacus and everyone is doomed. Doooooomed. But in the meantime, she will be in control, and that's a good thing.

Also I loved Crixus affirming for Gannicus this week that he stands with Spartacus, and I loved Gannicus and Oenomaus's conversation. It was so painful, and so necessary. Ugh. I want Oenomaus to forgive him, but that is a tall order. And I want Gannicus to be less of a self-absorbed, sarcastic prick (even tho I love that about him) because there's more at stake here!

The surprise of the week, for me, was Ashur. OMG raise your hand if you thought there was any chance in hell he could defeat three Romans coming at him all at once! I DID NOT. That was a genuine moment of shock. It also was a great illustration of just how excellent the rest of the gladiators are, heh. Also they reinforced what a complete opportunist he is, and reminded us that he is a creepy rapist through and through. Ick.

Glaber remains awesome in his psychopathic, cold-eyed killer role. LOVE HIM! I don't want him to die! He has to live forever and torture Illythia for a while. *g*

the eagle, spartacus, merlin, h50

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