I have thoughts about this episode, but it took me a while to write them down because a) exhausted and b) see a. Also, I mostly want to talk about Sherman and Cooper, so that's what I'm going to do.
I've watched that confrontation between Cooper and Sherman several times now, and I love it more each time. So much happened there. I think about Cooper making what was basically a superhuman effort for him -- in that condition -- to get to the rooftop, and about Cooper and Sherman standing on two different rooftops, a literal chasm between them, one that Ben can cross and Cooper simply can't. It was a breathtaking moment.
It would be easy to say that what finally got through to Cooper was the incandescence of Ben's rage, but that's not it at all. It was a combination of things. It was Cooper, seeing Ben bloody and knowing he could have been killed up there while Cooper struggled to get to him. It was Cooper, being punched in the face with his inadequacy at the one thing he prides himself most on being - a training officer - and hearing/facing the stark truth that Ben isn't going to let him get a newbie hurt. I honestly think that probably crushed the last spark of denial in John, because he said early on that being on the streets is who he is, and if he can't do it, they might as well put a bullet in his head.
And I think being caught out at his lowest point - stealing drugs and not even able to hide it - was what made John finally face it. The physical dynamics in that scene were amazing. Ben speaks truth, John pushes him away. Ben shoves him, John pushes him away. Ben is literally hitting him with hard truths that he's waited almost too long to say - so long they nearly got Ben killed and John crippled in more than one way.
That was some phenomenal TV. Best episode of the season. Sometimes this season has been uneven, but this made up for it.
Also, when John called Ben boot for the last time there, it was a term of endearment. Awww. No more boot. If I were writing this show...well, let's face it, the show isn't going to do what I want, so maybe I will write a story about it rather than rattling on here. In all my copious free time. After I finish dotfic's overdue H50 birthday story, and Signe's overdue Southland birthday story, and honor all the other things I have promised to do, somehow, eventually.
I don't love Sammy. (Sorry,
killabeez.) But I liked him better in this episode than usual, because he wasn't acting like an immature asshole. He made me tear up, a little. And it was SO AMUSING to see him giving a similar gruff intro to Ben as they were walking to the car - full circle to the first scene with Ben and John, as Ben began his training. I loved the pining look Ben gave back toward the station, a mix of 'fuck, I miss John already' and 'damn, I thought this bullshit was over with'. That was great. However, since I don't love Sammy and I do love John, this situation cannot be tolerated, so writers: get John and Ben back in the car together. I have some ideas for you on that. Call me, k?
Lydia was great. I continue to love her and Josie. I also liked the glimmering of what made Dewey a tolerable cop, back in the day. I so wish they'd let him stop being the Caricature of a Sexist Cop (albeit a very accurate one) and just be tolerable again.
And that's that! Bring on season 4. Please.