Festivids vid: This Town's Religion (Top Gun)

Feb 05, 2011 09:52

Title of vid: This Town's Religion
Fandom: Top Gun (Movie)
Music: This Town’s Religion by Delays
Summary: Welcome to Miramar: fast planes, arrogant men, pilot groupies, fierce competition, excess testosterone - and a woman named Charlie.
Run time: 3:02
Beta by: gwyn_r, barkley and mollyamory. Thanks to all three for their really excellent insights.
Notes: For lilly the kid in Festivids 2010. Some long-winded vidder notes are under a cut below the links.

Download from this page. 36MB, .avi.

Original post at the FV community.

lilly_the_kid said, in her prompt: Top Gun really fascinates me. I cannot for the life of me figure out how it was intended and I'm really curious to see a vid that features this strange, strange movie.

I love and am a huge fan of this movie, and the song was perfect for it; Miramar's religion is jets, competition, banging women, etc and it's difficult for outsiders to understand. HOWEVER. It's a movie that's very much of its time, and women in the world of naval aviation were completely peripheral in the early to mid-80's. They were only just beginning to position themselves to be pilots. It's hard to believe, now, but it's true. Charlie (who of COURSE has a man's name, it's that kind of movie) goes from being a competent professional to being Maverick's bedmate and support; that isn't *all* she is, but the movie sure doesn't show her being anything else, once she gets to that 'oh, poor Maverick' place. It's all about Mav and Mav's pain. Dude, even Goose's wife ends up consoling MAVERICK. It boggles the mind. You don't even need slash goggles.

So I really wanted to turn things around and make a vid that was Charlie's POV on the land of testosterone-driven dick fixation, which was also a little bit meta ("at least I know where I belong"), and a bit self-referential of fandom, since we do love our bright shiny objects, no matter how sexist they are ("I don't get it, but somehow I'm still right here"). I did include all the hot half-naked men, angst, bromance, and fast planes, ie this town's religion; the whole movie is about the homoeroticism, right? Ice and Mav, Mav and Goose, Ice and Slider...What's not to love about Top Gun? NOTHING. But there was still this little issue I wanted to point out.

festivids, vids

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