As of right now, I am FREE for the next 5-1/2 days. No more work today! \o/! Tomorrow, I'm on a plane for VVC. Where I will see some of you! For those of you I haven't met yet: I'm fairly introverted in person, and I have given up staring at torsos in an attempt to read badges; it's out of my comfort zone. So if I don't see you but you see me, please wave a hand in my face or something, because I guarantee, I want to say hi. :) Also, for ease of recognition, I'll probably be one of the very few people at Club Vivid who is neither dressed up, nor glittery, nor in PJs. I'll be in jeans. And mega-sparkly sandals. With a beer in my hand. Easy to find. *g*
Meanwhile, some SPN/J2 BB recs - some from this year, and one from last year, because it really has taken me that long to get around to it. These are stories I enjoyed. YMMV. On a side note -- I have about 20 more stories open in tabs, but the reality of my life this year is that if the writer provided a PDF or Word version of the file, I am 100% more likely to read it than if it's only available online. Portability = opportunity, since I have been so busy. I'm really looking forward to carving out some time for myself at VVC and reading fic. And answering comments. Mmmm, the luxury of having an hour or two where I'm not too exhausted to read. It'll be like heaven.
We Drank A Thousand Times by
glorious_spoon - Dean/OMC. Wherein Dean has a relationship with a wonderfully written OMC over many years, beginning pre-series. Includes some good Winchester family stuff, especially Sam and Dean. I loved this for the same reason I enjoy some Dean/Lisa stories - it's nice to see stories where Dean has someone he can count on and talk to, aside from his family.
Redemption by
ancastar - Jared/Jensen AU. Jared sells himself as a bondmate, and of course Jensen buys his contract. Not the usual kind of 'soul bond' stories, more like Jared is an indentured servant. For sex. And business. Whatever, it's awesome. *g*
Slow Show by
cherie_morte - Jared/Jensen. This is the kind of classic non-AU J2 story I miss like crazy these days; a lovely slow build to their relationship.
From 2009:
False Keeper, Brother's Witness by
latentfunction - Sam/Dean. Case file + slow delicious build of Sam/Dean relationship + 66K words = just exactly what I felt like reading last night.
Out of the Night That Covers Me by
mickeym - Sam/Dean. A post-season-five AU where Sam deals with his rage issues, and Dean and Sam find their way to each other. Sort of a different take on things than I usually see.
This Is The Place by
mistyzeo - Sam/Dean. Sam is spit back out of Hell and Dean takes care of him while he heals. That's the whole plot. Classic, somewhat predictable hurt/comfort. (I don't mean that in a bad way AT ALL.) I enjoyed it.