And then the Australian started talking

Aug 14, 2009 10:05

Day one of Vividcon has commenced, and it's like any other day except with a dose of extra special perkyness to go with all the sunshine. (That would be SOMEONE ELSE'S PERKY, not mine.) Already there has been less sleep than is necessary for basic survival, and the con hasn't even started yet. This does not bode well for the rest of the weekend. Meanwhile, tonight is Club Vivid, which means a) Flashdance will be unveiled to the world and b) the return of the sparkly shoes from Vegas and c) there will be drunkenness. And then the aftermath of drunkenness. Because we took the shuttle to Dominick's this morning and came back with an armload of booze food. Yeah. Food. Well, there was one banana, and some cheese, so that counts as nutritious. Right?

Meanwhile, I have been listening to meditation podcasts in a vain attempt to make myself less stressed. This morning's empty cup meditation started with some lovely music, and then the narrator started the guided meditation, and I became totally distracted by his Aussie accent. Captivated, is more like it. How am I supposed to clear my mind when I'm fixated on how sexy the narrator dude sounds?? That is tooootally counterproductive.

In one hour, I am off to the Motion Roller Coaster vid show. Maybe there is time for a nap before then! Or maybe I should read some fic. Decisions, decisions.

why must you be so perky, vividcon, life

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