SPN 3x05: Bedtime Stories

Nov 01, 2007 22:04

This episode made me VERY HAPPY. Sam-n-Dean. Sam and Dean! Working together! On a case! Being brotherly! OMG, the fact that the show opened with yet another argument is like bliss on toast. *g* And I love that the argument they're having is the same argument, over and over, versions of it folding in on itself: Sam wants to save Dean, Dean won't let Sam die for him, Dean wants to save Sam, Sam won't let Dean die for him, round and round, self-sacrifice chasing its own tail. I loved it when Sam shouted "You're not Dad!" because, OMG, even when Sam wouldn't listen to their father, he always listened to Dean, almost like habit, and now? Now he is done with that. That look on his face! That stubbornness!! I can't believe Dean pulled out the "But I am older!" card. Hahaha. Give up, Dean. *g* Gorgeous.

That moment in the hospital where Sam said he couldn't imagine anything worse than his brother dying, and the long, horrible pause that followed, so full of meaning - and the look on Dean's face, when you could tell his own private hell rushed back up on him. The way his eyes shifted to Sam, and it took him another couple of seconds to collect himself. God. THIS IS THE SHOW I LOVE. Only on steroids, because now Sam and Dean talk about stuff that matters to them, and sure, they are still full of denial and inveigling and obfuscation and whatnot when it comes to some of their deepest secrets (hi, Sam!), but they have grown up and they're equals, with all that implies, whether Dean likes it or not.

Also: Dean did the research! :D

"Who knows, maybe you'll find your fairy godmother." *snerk* This line pleased me for its subtlety and Sam's resulting bitchface. Unlike the 'could you be more gay' line. Which, frankly, I don't like to hear used as a borderline pejorative insult, no matter the context. Probably the writers thought that would be fan-pleasing, but not for me. YMMV and probably does.

ANYWAY. Back to the good awesome stuff: Dean and Sam clearing a house with guns drawn, just. Ice. I need ice. They are smoother and smoother at it. Such a good team. And - creepy little girl spirit, yes? They tend to cast the creepiest kids on this show. I approve. Amazingly, she pulled off sweet and sad at the very end, too. Speaking of creepy, the assault on the woman in the parking lot was extremely disturbing in a non-supernatural way, as was crazy wolf dude picking up the little girl in her van. I kind of liked that he's a normal guy on the outside, that it's sort of the beast within manifesting itself. Which is one way to look at those types of crime, I suppose. And loved Sam's earnest "I don't have time to do this gently" while Dean is fighting the wolfman.

Um. "Is that what you want me to do, Dean? Just let you go?" Man, Sam's intense stare at that moment practically seared the inside of my TV screen. And finally, when Dean finally met his eyes? Jesus. This is not Sam's previous kind of emo. This is Sam's determined, strong, steely emo. *wibble* Also, when Sam looked at Dean, inside the motel room? I started crying. Because he was storing it up, in case that was the last time he ever saw Dean. Don't tell me he wasn't. Cause he was. He wasn't sure it would work, at the crossroads. What he planned to do.

Wow, the camera rotation at the crossroads - the reverse of Dean's deal, so perfect! And oh, dude. The demon trying to pin down Sam on Dean's neediness, all the things even we fans see as flaws, the things Sam must be driven nuts by. It's interesting to learn that Dean's soul is in great demand. And that someone higher up (lower up? *g*) is pulling the strings. But all I can say about that scene is: HELL YEAH, SAMMY!! FINALLY!! SHOOT THAT BITCH! Of course, the larger ethical question - re how Sam is just willy-nilly killing the human hosts now - remains. Now let's take bets: is he going to tell Dean what he's done? Not much Dean can say about it, since Sam is still breathing, but still. I wonder if that's going to be yet another secret Sam keeps from Dean, one to add to the pile.

Oh, man. I love this show so much! *happy sigh*

spn, spn_eps

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