Call for Vividcon vid show suggestions: movie vids

May 15, 2007 09:45

This year I'll be VJ-ing the Movie Vids show at Vividcon, and co-moderating a panel afterwards with melina123. For the vid show itself, I'm going to be focusing on vids that don't re-tell the movie's linear story, but instead showcase aspects of the movie (character, symbolism, etc) - as my wee blurb says: Movie vids are much more than a rehash of the linear movie plot. They can showcase the inner struggles of minor characters, issue an indictment of war, or illustrate symbolism and metaphor within a movie's structure. They can make bad movies look good and dramatic movies seem silly. These vids tell the story within the story.

And now, I'm looking for suggestions! I have a tentative playlist already, but a few of the vids I'd like to use will probably be in demand for other shows as well, and I'll have to give them up. So if you have suggestions for vids you'd like to see considered/included, please post them here, along with any contact information for the vidder and where I can find the vid. (If I can't download the vid and view it, or it's not readily available on a recent con DVD, there's really no point in suggesting it. I have to see the vids to know if they'll work for the show.) Or you can use Vividcon's handy suggestion form right here. Don't be shy. Feel free to pimp your own vids, if you feel they are right for the show.

vidding, vividcon

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