SPN: Roadkill, SG-1: Unending, and other stuff

Mar 16, 2007 11:11

Hi. *waves* I haven't been around much. I'm missing everything. Alas. Weekends are for catching up, tho.

I signed up for Wincon. So I will see some of you there. :)

I confess that I'm terrified SPN won't be renewed, and it's paralyzing me a bit in unexpected ways. I can't write at all. This is a problem, as I have bigbang coming due. Uh-oh. And for all of you who experienced momentary glee about the supposed cancellation of VM...well. Karma can be a bitch, and taking pleasure in other fans' unhappiness can come back to haunt you.

I haven't been posting about Rome, because I'm in denial about its shortened life span, and also, I'm just too tired to keep up. This makes me feel bad, because it's the little fandom that couldn't, and it needs all the love it can get. I just don't have a lot of love to give right now? Maybe later.

SG-1 is over, in a manner of speaking; the last ep aired in the UK earlier this week.

I hated it. But I couldn't decide if I hated it because it just sucked, or because they killed Thor and all the rest of the Asgard (WTF!), or because nothing they did at this point would have been enough, or because there was no Jack, or I don't really want it to be over, in my secret heart. I had to think it over for a few days. Finally I realized it was a combination of things. The ep actually did suck -- at least, for me, it did. I loathe Daniel/Vala, and I thought Daniel was a complete asshole in his neurotic soliloquy of annoyance, and I don't care at all about Landry, and Mitchell still bores me, and Sam with long hair just irritates me SO MUCH, and then they fucking killed all the Asgard, just to make it extra-special irritating to me. I burst into tears when the planet blew up, and then I didn't care about anything else. Except for the moment where I thought they were going to kill Teal'c, and I guarantee, my TV would not have survived the beating it would have taken on the writer's behalf.

It's more than the suckage, though. It's that there was no Jack. Ending this show without Jack just...who cares? I don't. I can finally admit to the depth of my not-caring about the Jack-less SG-1, and it feels really freeing. And nothing they did, at this point, would have been a suitable ending to the show; in my head, it ended after Threads. So I'm mourning for what I lost several seasons ago, and I'm sad to see the old girl go out like this, and I'm sorry that everyone else liked it so much, because I didn't, and that makes me very sad.

Meanwhile, there was new Supernatural last night, YAY! I didn't have much energy last night to talk about it. Today I still don't think I can do it justice, but I did have a few thoughts.

I figured out Molly was a ghost maybe ten minutes into the show, when they went back for the car and it wasn't there. So that aspect of it wasn't scary for me in any way, alas. But what I did love was the construction of the episode, and some of the grace notes of character incorporated into it.

For instance, Dean - with his shifting and previously binary view of spirit/monster = evil - having great compassion for Molly, as was evident in the last scene. I liked that moment earlier in the episode where he was leaning against the door listening to Sam talk about why spirits don't move on, and it was clear he'd been there for a while, watching Sam and listening to what he was saying. *LOVE* When he said he doesn't feel sorry or apologize for spirits, it was just a terrific moment, especially once you're in on the secret.

I'm kind of intrigued that no one is discussing the most obvious parallels inherent in the ep, tho. You have Molly and her love for and obsessive quest to find her husband, and her only fear (which is of losing him/not seeing him again), and you have Dean and Sam, with Dean's only fear (losing Sam/failing to save him). Molly loves her husband so much she can't even accept/recognize being dead. Dean loves Sam so much he wasn't willing to move on. And you have Dean's recent issues with being dead/staying dead/should be dead, and Molly not moving on. And the little asides (in the car, with Molly's reference to arguing, and Sam's smiling agreement, and Dean's BITCHFACE OMG), and so forth. If I weren't so tired, I'd do a complete outline of it, but there was so much layered into the conversations, and as I said to vaznetti - depending on where you're standing and what perspective you hold, there were many angles from which to see those layers of identification. *g* Dean and Sam communicated a huge amount without saying anything overt to each other - they spoke with glances, and in code.

And my favorite moment: watch when Dean shoots the crazy farmer in that scene just after he's grabbed Molly in the woods. When Sam runs up, he doesn't even glance at Molly; he's staring at Dean, and asking him if he's all right. That's another fabulous moment on two levels - most of the audience doesn't know at that moment that Molly is a ghost and so can't really be harmed (and hence he isn't all that worried about her), and so on first go-round - it looks like all he's worried about is Dean.

Also loved the moment where Dean tried to kick the little door open and had to try twice. The look on his face was priceless. Like, "Oh, really? Yeah, well, I'll get you this time, watch." *g*

Tricia Helfer was a great guest star, and her quiet grief and dignity at the end was gorgeous to watch. I liked the quietness of the ending, and I loved the way Dean and Sam worked together, in this.

And finally, family_secret - the Winchester Family Secrets challenge - opens for sign-ups on Monday. There are over 100 fantastic prompts - pictures and poems, song lyrics, quotes, gorgeous 'what if' ideas...seriously, I think there's plenty of excellent inspiration, and I'm hoping it generates some amazing stories. Please come and play. :)

spn, rome, family secret, sg-1_eps, spn_eps

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