Post Schedule:

Mar 02, 2016 08:00

And here are the pairings that have sent in drafts!
We will be doing a three-a-day posting system.
We will unlock posting access for the writers/artists before the deadline.
Please see the submissions guidelines for how to format your post. More information will be released closer to post-time!

Thanks, y'all, for making this such a great first year!
(We still have about 3 pinch-hitters needed for abandoned art!)

If you need your date adjusted, don't hesitate to ask! (but sooner rather than later is appreciated)

(Pairings and post order below the cut, as pinch-hitters are assigned, list will be updated)

March 18:
RB027 - kuwlshadow/Louistef
RB015 - kuwlshadow/SaltnSage
RB013 - thearronaut/angelofthemoor1

March 19:
CRB001 - jayi/greybriana
RB024 - aceriee/casual_distance
RB035 - nikavarta/Angrysouffle

March 21:
RB008 - mazedoodle/violue
RB017 - dvstong/spearywrites
RB036 - jenn_bpj12/Angrysouffle

March 22:
RB033 - miilchtee/videogamerobot
XRB014 - chargetransfer/messier51
RB029 - Isis_McGee/wlidd

March 23:
XRB022 - sastmk/awed_frog
RB021 - psynatural/majestic_duxk
XRB026 - chargetransfer/majestic_duxk

March 24:
RBB007 - lekoppa/alx_diamond
RB034 - busysquirrel/vivansface
RB025 - thearronaut/uncacreamy

March 25:
RB019 - fiver26/silverskylarks
RB012 - topieornottopie/PieFeathers
CRB004 - vinnie_cha/ivycole

March 26:
RB020 - paxdracona/whelvenwings
RB030 - suchcandor/casandsip
CRB005 - jayi/cptnbunnicula

March 28:
RB023 - suchcandor/consultingcas
RB010 - alecjmarsh/dassalamander
RB028 - dvstrong/firstdrafted

March 29:
XRB031 - topieornottopie/maggie_f
RB016 - draconequus/awesomedeano
RB018 - padaleckhi/Arrrghpocalypse

March 30:
RB006 - Isis_McGee/Violue
RB024 - Aceriee/emwebb17

March 31:
CRB002 - Emmatheslayer/loracine
CRB003 - sastmk/kaeos_tennyo
RB011  - the_poette/ultimatemarysue

2016, posting dates, mod post

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