Destiel Reverse Bang: What You Need Most Master Post

Apr 29, 2017 11:30

Originally posted by kullerva at Destiel Reverse Bang: What You Need Most Master Post

Title: What You Need Most
Author: Kullerva
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural
Pairing(s): Castiel/Dean Winchester, brief past mentions of Cassie Robinson/Dean Winchester and Amanda Heckerling/Dean Winchester
Rating: Mature
Word Count" 31,500
Warnings: (Temporary) major character death, the murder and possession of a child, some mild m/m sexual content
Artist: Kuwlshadow
Art link: Art Masterlist
Summary: (Temporary) major character death, the possession and death of a child, some violent situations (nothing worse than the show) and some mild m/m content.
Summary: AU of Season 11 Finale, "Alpha and Omega." The Darkness offers to give Dean what he needs most, and Dean finds himself ten years in the past with Sam dead, Azazel on the loose and, seemingly, nothing that he needs. When he and Castiel meet, they form an uneasy truce to rescue Sam--but nothing goes as planned. Dean learns that what he wants and what he needs are not always the same--and comes to understand the gift the Darkness has given him.

Master Post
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7


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