Art Submissions

Dec 17, 2016 12:29

We've received a couple art submissions already, and would like to remind people of the guidelines for submissions.
The general rules are HERE:

When you email your art submission, please follow this:

Art Submission Process:
Email all art submissions to:
All art must be named with your username and pairing. In addition, your art must be tagged if it is Early Bird!
(Example - Destielreversebang_Destiel_EarlyBird.jpeg)

*When emailing us your submission, use this form:
  • Artist name:
  • Title of your art:
  • Pairing/Side pairing (optional):
  • Maximum Rating:
  • Squicks/Exclusions:
  • Short description (no more than three (3) sentences):
*If you are an Early Bird, and you meet the requirements in Rules, you may submit a second piece. Use the above form, and tag it as your second entry.

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