Samifer s3 au

Sep 16, 2013 01:35

The Awakening
Sam could remember the Cemetery like it was yesterday,but it's only been A year.
Sam Looked in the mirror and could see the same shade of Yellow-green that was his eyes,he looked around the room.
he kept feeling this Presence, it was the same presence he always felt since he was a boy.
he remembered what Mary said about angels watching over him and dean. Her words replaying in his head.
he heard a knock at the door and went to answer it, Ruby and Meg are standing at the door.
"It's Time,Sam." Ruby said her blonde hair blowing in the wind. "Time for What?" He asked standing at the doorway.
"Time to Come Home,Sammy." Meg Answered. "Home? What do you mean?" Sam asked.
"Can We Come in?" Ruby Asked. Sam Moved toward the right and let them in.
"The Castle is all set up,milord." Meg said Curtsying.
"Castle?" Sam Asked.
"The King Requires A Kingdom,Duh." Ruby said Rolling her eyes.
"Ok,we can go." Sam says slipping on his shoes and walking out with ruby and Meg.
the girls take sam out to A Carriage Driven by two raven Black Horses.
"Your ride,milord." Ruby Bows. Sam thanks them both and gets in the carriage with Meg following behind.
"It's time to go,Marvin." Ruby says to the driver. Marvin cracks the whip and the horses began their descent down the street.
all sam sees is rows of houses until the carriage makes a turn and Rows of trees replace the houses.
"Where are we?" Sam Asks as soon as he notices the change in scenery. "Well, we're no longer in town if that's what you mean." Meg said.
"All I see is trees." Sam Says looking out of the carriage. "Don't you notice that were driving on  dirt road?" Ruby asked sam.
"Yeah i do" Sam Looked back out the door and Gasped when he saw The Castle.
The Castle was Big and White,But The Blue Stairs was the first thing that Caught his eye.
Three People were awaiting Sam,Ruby and Meg when they rode up to Steps of the castle
The Man Paul,Bowed."Milord,welcome home."  Sam smiled,"Thank you."
"That's Paul,He's your Butler."Ruby said getting out behind Sam. "That's Ethan, your maid."
"And I'm Your Royal Adviser,Casey." the raven-haired woman said.
"My Royal Adviser?" Sam Asked walking into the castle with Casey already by his side.
"Yes your Highness,i'm your adviser." Casey said smiling.
The two men standing at the top of the stairs open the double doors.
Sam and Casey walk in Ruby and Meg trailing behind,"You guys Made this for me?"
"Of Course,Milord this is your home."Meg said coming up to sam's right side.
Sam Spends the next three weeks Exploring his new home and Learning the ends and Outs of Being Royalty.
One Day He comes across these Double Doors and as if time had been waiting for him to happen upon them
they Opened automatically,Revealing a Mausoleum. Sam Stepped into the Room and immediately had Sense the Presence.
The Same Presence from his Childhood,Soon Sam Heard His Mother's Voice in his head again.
"You Know angels are watching Over you and Dean."  as if she was right there in the Mausoleum with him he said."Yes,Mam" Out loud.
The Ground Shook and Cracked Open A Huge Cage Coming Out of The Ground. The Door Flew Open and A Ball of Light floated out of it.
Sam Stood there as The Ball of Light Floated in front of him and Then Proceeded to Circle around him.
The Ball of Light then stood right back in front of Sam and He Put his arms around himself.
He Felt Like there was something else in the room that he couldn't see, But He Felt it Envelope him like it was hugging him.
sam instantly felt safe and more loved then he had in a long time.
the ball of light then proceeded to vanish and in it's wake A Gust of wind blowing sam hair.
Before the Ball of light had left sam could had sworn he heard it Say his Name.
Nicholas Everhart had been on his Lunch break when he and Lucifer had Met.
Nick didn't know what to expect for today,He had Planned on killing himself once he got home from work.
The Pain of Losing Sarah and Lindsay was too much. Nick was sitting on the couch with the gun in his hand when Lucifer appeared to him.
Lucifer decided to Come to Nick in the form of His Best Friend,Drew.
Lucifer explained everything to Nick and He Had agreed to Become Lucifer's Vessel.
Sam was in the Garden when Lucifer showed up. "Lucifer,where did you go?" Sam Asked him.
"I Needed A Vessel,His Name was Nick." Lucifer said walking up to sam.
"Is He?" Sam Started. "Yes He is with His Wife,Sarah and Their Daughter,Lindsay in Heaven." Lucifer said.
"The Things They used to Say About You,I Could Never Believe them." Sam Said Turning around to Face Lucifer.
"Why?" Lucifer asked coming Closer and Placing His Hand upon Sam's Cheek.
"Because I Met you Once." Sam said Looking into Lucifer's eyes."In my Dreams,We were Sitting in this field and you had Saved me."
"Well I'm Here now." Lucifer said."My King,I Only Need you." Sam Looked confused. "But What you said about the Apocalypse."
"I Have no Desire for that anymore,I Can't Lose you again Samuel." Lucifer said. The Archangel took sam in his arms and Held him.
"What should we do then?" Sam Asked. "We Find Our Brothers,Join together and Save The World." Lucifer said.
"Our Brothers?" Sam Asks. "Dean Was Raised From Perdition by My Youngest Brother,Castiel." Lucifer Explained.
"Ok,how do we find them?" Sam Asks. Lucifer looks around. "You Have Demons as Servants?" He Asks Looking at sam.
"Some of Them are My Servants and The Rest Live in The Town Surrounding the Castle." Sam Explained.
"Luce,we're In My Kingdom." Lucifer Shakes his head in Understanding. "So If Your The king,What does that Make me?"
Sam Rolled his eyes. " my Prince." Sam Replies.
"The Girls did A Great Job with This place." Lucifer says. "I Know Right?" Sam asks.
Sam feels something and Lucifer Notices. "You Ok?" Lucifer asks.
"Yes i'm fine." Sam Reassures Lucifer. "I Just Feel Like Something is Gonna happen,I Don't know if it's a good thing or a Bad thing yet."
"Whatever it is we'll Face it Together,Nothing is gonna Take you from me again." Lucifer Vowed.

meg masters, supernatural, sam winchester, samifer, ruby, lucifer

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