S9 Samifer

Jun 15, 2013 05:57

Hell on Earth
Chapter 2

Sam Woke up and He was still in the same bed as before.
He Looked down at his lap,Lucifer's arm draped across his lap. the look on the sleeping angel's face was one of Pure Peace.
sam looked down and notice he was wearing these white pants,they felt nice on his skin.
sam got up from the bed and walked over to the looking glass hanging on the wall.
Aside from the permanent Shade of Yellow-Green that was his eyes nothing really changed.
He did notice that Luce had cut his hair,it was back to the length it was when dean first picked him up all those years ago.
He Also notice the Crown of Thorns that adorn his head.
he thought back to the past week and what had transpired,it was all so much,in so little time.
Sam placed his hands on Lucifer's as they laid on his Stomach.
Lucifer kissing the back of sam's neck and Reveling in the Attention that his Angel bestowed upon him.
Sam wasn't doing this himself,Lucifer was right there beside him." I went to the Bunker and Checked on our Brothers." Lucifer told sam.
"How are they?" Sam Asked."Their Doing fine,Castiel is adapting to be human." Lucifer said lazily trace patterns on sam's arm.
"He's Taking it alot more better then I thought he would." Sam turned from the Mirror and looked into his angel's Eyes.
"He's doing better because he has Dean,and I Have you." Sam walked over towards the bed and sat down.
" Do they Love me?" Sam Asked Lucifer as the archangel sat down next to him.
"Of Course they Love you,you Showed them a Better way" Lucifer said Pressing kisses to sam's Palms."Got them to Co-exist with the humans."
"I Had so much trouble accepting them and Loving them because i was so Stuck on what my Father did to me." Lucifer said softly.
"That i wasn't realizing i was doing the same unto them."  Sam looked at Lucifer with such Love and Devotion.
"But with you here helping me and Loving them unconditionally,I'm trying to be better for them,For You." Sam Kissed Lucifer.
it was a Simple Press to the Lips,Chaste and Sweet. "
I Know you are,Babe" Sam said."And That's what makes what were doing so Beautiful."
Sam was A Kind and Gentle King,But He was Ruthless when need be.
But the Demons and Humans under Sam's Rule knew that How ever He was Towards them he did it out of Love.
"Thank you." Lucifer said."For what?" Sam Asked.
"For Loving me the way I Am,for not trying to change me or Make me into something i'm not." Lucifer answered.
Sam looked at his angel and smiled."I've always taken you as you are,Because you've done the same for me."
Sam and Lucifer Grabbed each Other's Hands and looked at them. "I Was Scared for a long time,but i'm less afraid of those things." Sam said.
"You have me to take care of you,to watch over you like your mother wanted"Lucifer said Grinning. "you have nothing to fear."
Sam took his hand from Lucifer's and Got up pushing his pants down.
Sam Took Pleasure in the way Lucifer stared after him while he walked over to the Dresser and pulled out the black pants.
He put on the black Pants, got a shirt  and walked back over to the bed.
Sam Sat on Lucifer's lap while putting on his shirt and Closed his eyes.
"I Feel so Empty when your not around." Sam says tracing a Pattern on Lucifer's Back." i just know that you and me,were it."
A Knock at the door made them both look Towards it. "Yes?" Sam Said.
Their Servant,Maggie came in "My Lord,your brother is here," She announced.
Sam gets up and walks out the room Lucifer following close behind.
when they make it to the main room, Dean and Castiel are sitting on the couch .
"Sammy,you look different."Dean said scratching his head, "Luce,cut my Hair." Sam said. " You Look Good,Sam." Dean Smiled.
" How are things at the Bunker?" Sam Asked."Their Good,Me and Cass were doing awesome." Dean said.
"Since you become king,everything has been pretty quiet." Sam smiled at Dean and Castiel.
he could tell by the little looks they gave each other  that things have progressed between them.
"It Seems you and my Brother are doing quite well for yourselves." Castiel says looking at Sam.
" We are doing well,Brother." Lucifer said."Thanks for noticing". " Sam,why are your eyes yellow?" Castiel asked.
"I Guess when i accepted who i was,they turned that color." Sam Said Shrugging.
"Things are Peaceful in the world." Lucifer looked at sam and Saw how happy the boy was."That's all you have ever wanted." Lucifer said.
"Well."Sam said Blushing."That and to be with you always" Lucifer Grinned.
"You and Castiel are welcome to stay longer,if you wish."Lucifer said to dean.
"Naw,me and Cass gotta get going." Dean said."It was good seeing you,Sammy."
Sam went up to dean and hugged him. "Good bye,Dean."
"Bye Sam,Bye Lucifer." Castiel said as him and dean were lead out of the castle.
"It was Good seeing them,again." Sam said turning around and looking at Lucifer.
"yes,it was nice." Lucifer said going back to their room.
"What's on the agenda for tomorrow?"Sam asked.
"Were suppose to meet with the farmers."Lucifer said sitting on the bed."apparently they have a plan to make the crops run more smoothly." sam sat down on the bed and smiled at his prince."I can't wait."
 Lucifer Chuckled at sam.
"My Sweet Boy,Only you would be happy about having to do all that." Lucifer said as he laid down and put his hand on the side of Sam's face.
the King and his Prince stayed in bed wrapped up in each Other,Ready for the task the had to take tomorrow.

hoe series, destiel, supernatural, samifer

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