[NaNo] Ass Out of You and Me: Balance (Sam/Dean) 13/30

Nov 13, 2010 23:56

Series: Ass Out of You and Me
Title: Balance
Author: destial
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Theme: 30 NaNo-Shots Special Table 2010
Prompt: Balance
Rating: PG-16
Warnings: Some underage fooling around, on Sam's part.
Spoilers: Pre-series, so if you saw episode one, you're good to go.
Word Count: 1352
Notes: Follows after Benefit. Now being made into awesome podfic by the lovely and talented weimar27 found here! Check often for updates!
Summary:This, at least, is normal. Sam grabs his book - what has to be a third hand copy of Huck Finn - laying it on the bedside table as he curls up beside his brother, the pizza box almost too hot against his legs as Dean shifts it.


The summer went by far too slowly for Sam's liking.

They always do; Sam's a student and his favorite time of the year is time spent in class. If it means he gets to stay longer than a week in the same place, that's just a bonus, and now that Sam's in high school, dad's been trying to stick to one area for at least a full marking period, if not the whole semester.

This school year has the added bonus of assuring Sam more time alone with his brother. Over the summer, they'd only had a few moments of privacy every week or two, and that had only been for a few hours.

Their dad had just left on his first hunt of the fall - a werewolf, most likely, one state over - and would most likely be gone for the three days of the transformation cycle.

"Want to order in?" Dean asks as he finishes laying down the salt lines. "I'm thinking meat lover's pizza."

Sam hums his agreement. He's at the table, finishing his geometry homework.

"How much you got left?" Dean leans over his shoulder and Sam can't see his face, but he can practically feel the grimace as he shudders.

"Just a reading assignment after this," Sam answers. It's a little weird, having Dean act like this now. He gets rather parental when it comes to Sam's schooling. It's not like Dean's never acted this way; he's been policing Sam's studies since Sam started kindergarten, even used to help Sam finish his homework when he had trouble.

But it's the first time Sam's realized that their new relationship is pretty weird. It still feels like a sort of natural progression, but Sam just wishes that they had moved out of this stage of their life as they moved into their current situation.

In order to distract himself from these thoughts, Sam turns his head and captures Dean's mouth in a kiss. This , at least, wasn't weird. Not for Sam. He liked to think not for Dean too, not anymore.

Dean returned the kiss but pulled away after a few seconds.

"Nu-uh," he chastises, "None of that 'til you finish your homework."

And that's even weirder than before so Sam turns back to his schoolwork and ignores Dean as his brother putters around the motel room, doing god knows what.

The pizza gets there in record time and Dean takes it over to Sam's bed with him, patting the spot beside him.

"Take a break and eat, Sammy."

This, at least, is normal. Sam grabs his book - what has to be a third hand copy of Huck Finn - laying it on the bedside table as he curls up beside his brother, the pizza box almost too hot against his legs as Dean shifts it.

"What're we watching?" he asks. Dean shifts against him. They fit better together when Sam throws an arm over his shoulders, but Dean refuses to remain in that position longer than a few seconds, so their shoulders bump awkwardly.

"It's one of the Back to the Futures, but I can't figure out which yet."

It turns out it's the second and by the time end credits are rolling, they've managed to polish off the pizza and Sam is feeling drowsy and full.

It surprises him when Dean kisses him and he makes a surprised noise. Dean huffs against his mouth and Sam wrinkles his nose at his breath but parts his lips to deepen the kiss.

Dean tastes like the pizza they just ate and Sam can't help laughing.

"What's with you?" Dean asks, pulling away.

"Nothing," he assures him. Dean doesn't look convinced, but he kisses him again.

They'd gotten pretty good at this, Sam thinks. They should have, though, considering it was all they've done. Sam wants severely to press the issue, because he's sixteen and they've been in this relationship, whatever it is, for almost three months.

He has one hand on Dean's neck and one on his waist. Without thinking, he lets the one hand trail down and grips Dean's hip, fingers flexing on the curve of Dean's ass.

Dean makes a startled noise and pulls back again.

"Sorry," Sam says, already moving his hand back up.

"No, no." Dean's got his hand in a vice grip and puts it back where it was. "It's good, come on."

Sam would grin but suddenly he's being pushed onto his back, Dean draped over him and pressing kisses against his jaw. He gasps as teeth scrape over his jaw and grabs Dean's ass properly. He doesn't mean to, but he rocks up against his brother. Dean moans and rocks back, dragging his tongue up the line of Sam's throat.

"Dean," Sam says, voice breathy. "This is okay?"

"Yea." He sounds surprised by his own admission and he looks up at Sam. "Yea, this is good."

Sam catches his lips in a kiss again, drawing another moan from his brother.

"Okay, we should probably stop," Dean says as he breaks the kiss. "This is good but don't think I'm ready for more."

Sam groans, rolling them over so he can hide his face in Dean's neck. "You're blue balling me, man."

"It builds character," Fingers thread through Sam's hair and Dean's other hand strokes along his back, thumb digging lightly into his spine.

"I'm going to have an entire series of characters at this rate," he can't stop himself from grumbling.

"Hey, we'll get there," Dean says. It's the first time he's said such a thing and Sam would like to say his heart flutters at the words, but the reaction is actually further south. He lies still against his brother, though, because tonight was the first time Dean had such a pleasant reaction to the feel of either of their erections.

"Want to go take care of that?" Dean asks after a while of lying there like that. "I won't mind."

"What?" Sam props himself up so he can look at Dean's face.

"In the bathroom," Dean says. He's smirking, like he knows just what Sam had thought he meant, which he probably does.

"Ah, um. You know what? I don't thinks so. It'd be weird."

Dean shrugs, pushing him off and getting up.

"Do you?" Sam asks.

Dean turns back to him, cocking an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

Sam looked down, embarrassed despite what they'd just been doing.

"Do you, you know. And think about me?"

Dean freezes, but he doesn't look panicked. He does look just as embarrassed as Sam, though.

"Well, I haven't," he admits. "But I'm pretty sure I was about to."

His erection had been fading, but that admission brought it back full force. Dean wouldn't look at him now and so he shut himself in the bathroom. Sam could hear the lock clicking into place and then the facet being turned on.

Sam doesn't bother waiting for the bathroom. He shucks off his pants and over shirt and hiking up his tee. He pulls his boxers down, just far enough, and when he raps a hand around his straining cock, it's almost what he wants.

He doesn't last long and is cleaned up, tee shirt and boxers in their proper place, by the time Dean's coming out of the bathroom in similar garb, his outer layers balled up in his arms. Dean avoids his gaze so Sam asks, "Hey, you okay?"

Green meets hazel, then, and after a few seconds, Dean smiles and nods. Sam returns the smile.

As Dean heads past him - shoves his clothes into his duffle - Sam reaches out and grabs his elbow.

"Dad'll be gone a few days, at the least," he says, tugging on his brother's arm. "Can you- will you sleep over here tonight?"

Dean considers it a moment. Then he's shoving Sam over and stretching out beside him.

Sam, feeling over confident in the progress they've made, tangles their legs together. Dean pulls him closer and drops a kiss on his hairline.

"Go to sleep, dude," he says as he tucks Sam's head under his chin.

"Night, Dean."

Continued in : After the Fact

oh you challenge me so beautifully, yes sam you get your own tag, 30-nano shots, dean wants pie, incest for the wincest!, don't sue it's just a fic

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