Sep 29, 2007 23:17

Okay, because I friended a girl tonight, it's come to my attention that there are several people on my profile that have friended me, but I haven't a damn clue who people are unless I talk to them on a REALLY regular basis (Because I'm dumb like that).


If you're on this list, I would like it if you would comment here if you actually want to know about my incredibly boring life. If you're here for my fiction, you're a little off. Please click on THIS LINK and join my fic comm momentends2soon.

crazybeutuiful, flaminice, g_u_a_g, plum17, saskia_eloise, savemehitz, torreadora, uruguayzaylor, usagiko, xcutxxherex

Sorry about that, but I just...I feel bad not adding people, but because this is my personal journal now, I don't want to be adding random people that won't even read anything I have to say, or creepy people o.o Like, people that are pedos...or will hit on my gf...O.o I don't think any of you guys would do that, but just for good measure, every once in a while I'm gonna do this so that I stay caught up. Thanks for putting up with the ramble!
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