I fail at Memes... also, I hate my job.

Feb 13, 2011 13:37

Let's get the meme over with, first.

Day 9: Ground
I already said Piloswine, so I'll say Cubone here. It's cute and adorable, and my character ended up getting on in an old RP-ish that I did with a couple of friends (It was named Peek-a-Bone...).

Day 10: Flying
Togekiss. Ironically, I hate the evil chicken that comes between Baby and this.

Day 11: Psychic
Mew. It's always been one of my favorites.

Day 12: Bug
Never really use them much, once I get enough pokemon. So I'll have to say Butterfree.

Day 13: Rock
I actually can't even pick one for Rock. It's not a type I really use, and I don't really like any of them all that much.

Day 14: Ghost
Misdreavus. It's cute, and I liked it when Gen II first came out.

Day 1: Normal
Day 2: Fire
Day 3: Water
Day 4: Electric
Day 5: Grass
Day 6: Ice
Day 7: Fighting
Day 8: Poison
Day 9: Ground
Day 10: Flying
Day 11: Psychic
Day 12: Bug
Day 13: Rock
Day 14: Ghost
Day 15: Dragon
Day 16: Dark
Day 17: Steel

Okay, and now why I hate my job. There are many reasons. I'll go into the legal reasons first:

*Closing Shifts: When I first talked to my manager, she said that she had employees who took the bus, and had no problem with closing shifts. Except for the fact that we close at 10, it's physically impossible to get out of there before 11:15, and the last bus leaves about 10:30.

*Sundays: There are no buses on Sundays. Plus, I have church. I told her this before I was hired. Yet, I still have been scheduled every Sunday for nearly 2 months.

*Schedules: Our schedules get posted about 3 weeks in advance. They're printed up, and put up on the board. Oh, and they might get changed and reprinted, with no warning to anyone that it's a new schedule up. Good thing I looked, considering that one of the weeks that had already been up, my entire schedule was changed.

*Food: On our shifts that get breaks (4- or 8-hours), we get a free sandwich (see below). Except we're only allowed to get "deli meat", which is Turkey, Ham, Bacon, Salami, or Pepperoni. Not even meatball, which is one of the $5 footlongs.

*Food (part 2): So I said we get a free sandwich, right? Oh, that's only if our food costs are down. Otherwise we have to pay. And we don't get discounts on most of the sandwiches, so we have to pay full price for our food. And we also don't get the free sodas we're supposed to be getting. Which leads me to my next part...

*Food (part 3): We're not allowed to bring in outside food. This means, if we want to eat something (which is definitely needed on a 8-hour shift), and our food costs are too high, we are forced to buy food at full price (more on this below).

*Meetings: We occasionally have meetings. At 6:45am. On a Sunday (again, with the transportation issue). No one is excused. Including the person who just got off work at 11:15pm the night before, at the earliest.

Now, let's look at the less-than-legal aspects of this. Well, aspect, as it's all part of the same thing.

*Breaks (part 1): For a 4- or 8-hour shift, we get one half-hour break. Unpaid. Yes, that's one. According to Washington State law, you are supposed to get a paid 10-minute rest period for every 4 hours you work (so, 2 for an 8-hour shift). We don't get those.

*Breaks (part 2): We are required to stay in the store for our breaks, in the back. This is because if we get busy, we have to come back from our break early. Or, for openers or closers, if we're baking bread, we have to be able to take care of the oven on our break (note that I'm not sure L&I would cover injuries while off the clock). What does Washington State Law say about this? They can require us to stay in the building if "Their meal period without paying them IF the workers are completely relieved from duty for the entire meal period and will never be called back to work during the meal period." Obviously, it's not.

*Breaks (part 3): Oh yeah, and that uninterrupted (/snort) break? Only happens if everything is done. So, for openers, you have to have everything prepped by 10am (I can't do it) to get your break. For closers, you have to have everything done by 7:30 (I usually can... and end up having to work during my break anyway).

Yeah, so, in essence with this break thing, I am illegally being held hostage during my break (not being paid, not allowed to leave), and being forced to purchase food at full-cost from the store (because I'm not allowed to bring my own food).

I'm going to be looking for a new job.


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