Primeval: Discovery

Oct 31, 2010 13:13

Title: Discovery
Author: Desiree
Rating: PG
Characters: Connor, Stephen, Nick
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their various creators (who aren't me, sadly)
A/N: I know I've been absent for a while, but I thought I'd honour the day with this little snippet *g* Don't know if this is canon compliant exactly, but it's an interesting theory, anyway...

After the fact, Stephen couldn't tell exactly how Connor had roped him into it. This wasn't America, and Halloween wasn't as popular - not yet, anyway. But on the evening of the 31st of October, he found himself making Jack-o'-Lanterns with his friend in the mess hall of the university to put up outside Cutter's office.

Conversation had, somewhat predictably, turned to the subject at hand: ghosts and demons, paganism and the origins of Halloween.

“How come you know so much about pagan beliefs?” Connor asked, heaping a handful of the spaghetti-like orange flesh of his pumpkin into a bowl.

“Allison was fascinated by the subject. Everything, from Judo-Christian mythology to vampirism, Santería, demonology, you name it. We used to have these stupid arguments about whether or not - ”

Abruptly, he stopped. Fixing Connor with suddenly intense eyes, he asked, “Can you tell me the locations of the anomaly sites we've come across so far?”

“Well, of course, but what do you - ”

Stephen didn't let him finish. “Come on,” he said, perfunctorily wiping his hands off the sticky pumpkin innards, and grabbed Connor by his wrist. “I need a map.”

When Nick came by his office some time later, he found them hunched over one of his tables, just enough space cleared in all the clutter to allow for a map of England to be spread out. Connor's laptop was perched precariously on top of a stack of books, while Stephen was busy connecting dots on a transparent projector foil.

Heads put together, the two young men didn't notice him until Nick pointedly cleared his throat, but once he caught their attention, their heads snapped up to reveal identical, excited smiles.

“You remember how you told Lester that anomalies were like earthquakes?” Stephen asked him, blue eyes sparkling. “That they had break-lines?”

Both of the lads were grinning like madman, triumphant with the new discovery, whatever it was. Nick felt a thread of excitement unfurl within himself just from looking at them.

“You were right!” Stephen told him, exchanging a look with Connor.

Nick's eyes widened in disbelief when Connor concluded: “Each and every anomaly we've encountered opened along a Ley line!”

The End

character:connor_temple, character:nick_cutter, fandom:primeval, character:stephen_hart

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