the bus sucks

Oct 12, 2006 10:20

so baisically my bus driver is a complete idiot. he skipped my stop. completely missed it. i can only acredit such a ridiculous error to the man's total incompitance. i cannot believe i am loosing my perfect attendance because of that guy. I don't even know how it is possible to do what he did. there's only 4 stops. he is a fool and should no longer be allowed to drive. it's not even as though he'd never driven out route before. he has been doing it all week and he some how still manages to miss a stop entirely, didn't even drive by us. What a fool. this is the second man this week that had proved to be an inept brain-dead degenerate. the male half of the human speicies is loosing what little faith i had in them. pathetic.
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