May 07, 2008 15:24
Schedule for next semester:
HUM 389 Genocide in Our Time
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology
MAT 100 Math and It's Applications
HUS 101 Intro to Social Services Systems
PSY 100 Intro to Psychology
They tried telling me when I called to get my loan deferred today that unless I was actually going to class before my grace period was up, that I couldn't defer my loan.
I got sad.
The other day when I went to put my summer tires on, Waterville Tire jacked my car up wrong, and broke my brake line, so now I have no brakes, and they won't fix it, or pay and reimburse me. They say they didn't do it.
Gotta get a new clutch soon too.
Going to see Dave Matthews next month
Excited for that.