Mar 16, 2007 19:24
Dylan made me feel soooooooooooooo much better.
:)thank youuuuuuuuuuu
Dial527On: You don't have to be sorry. Like I understand that you really like Shawn and like I honestly don't blame you for being a bitch to me. We've both been kind of mean to each other. But like yeah i don't have any thing against you. We just happen to like the same guy, but he chose you over me. And im okay with that, but i wasn't, so i acted probably more bitchy than you did. But you don't have to be sorry. Haa Tricia actually said the same thing about you to me, that like if i got to know you, that you would be a fun person to be around.
ophelia dont die: he broke up with me though...i think he likes you ;-)
Dial527On: What?! He broke up with you?
ophelia dont die: yeah
Dial527On: Why?
Dial527On: i thought he was like head over heals in love with you
ophelia dont die: apparently not. ugh but i really liked him...oh well. He did it on the phone! I was pissed. He said he doesn't feel the same way about me
Dial527On: thats so gay, he did it on the phone
ophelia dont die: yeah
Dial527On: I seriously thought that you two were going to be together like all throughout the year
Dial527On: Im seriously so sorry that he is a homo and breaks up with people on the phone. Like i thought that if he broke up with you i would be happy, but im actually kind of mad
Dial527On: I honestly thought that you two were really good together
ophelia dont die: anyways...i have to go to work...but we should talk sometime, because like i said...I'd probably like hanging out with you. But i just feel weird about it.
Dial527On: no, yea we should talk more
Dial527On: and not be bitches
Dial527On: plan?