May 28, 2005 19:41
this one's a doozie
work today was the equivalent of D-Day in the retail world. and no i'm not exagerrating.
my shift started at six again this morning and for some reason i was draggin' ass more then usual [must've been the EXTREMELY disappointing drag races the night before] i didn't get out of the shower until 5:45. and apparently someone had the brilliant idea to get started on the infant care stocking the night before, then decided half-way through that they didn't want to do it anymore, and they didn't want to clean any of the shit up. aaaaand of course i was the only one stocking infant care this morning. so i was expected to unload, stock, up-stock, back-stock and clean up eeeeeasily over 100 boxes of nipples, bottles, and any other baby product known to man in two hours, and then go to break, and clean it all up before the store opens. BY MYSELF nonetheless. riiight. thank god the other departments had little to nothing to stock so two other girls came over to help me. BUT. i have one supervisor telling me to not even worry about opening boxes and putting them out, but to just up-stock or back-stock everything... and another manager telling me to only up-stock what can't go out. i love how my management team communicates with each other. its so much fun.
finally sierra gets to go to lunch... and mcdonalds doesn't serve lunch before 11. WTF?!? i kind of maybe sorta screamed at the drive-thru guy. oops. another example of how supervisors and managers don't speak with each other: i told a manager i was going to lunch, she agreed and most of the time i was gone i was bein paged by a supervisor to work at the cash registers. ooooookay.
back from lunch... i go to receiving because i am being told that i need to work on the infant care up-stocking and back-stocking. okay. i'm down. so i'm juuuuuust getting into a routine when i get paged to be a cashier. so i go up there and i am being told by one supervisor that she wants me to be a cashier for the remaining duration of my shift. ehh. lame. then the STORE manager calls and asks me if i can come in at THREE IN THE MORNING on tuesday AFTER i told her i have an appointment [i didn't tell her it was to get my sleeve finished, cuz that would've sounded bad] and KNOWING that i told the store as soon as i was hired that i can't work tuesdays and thursdays. so she decides to schedule me from 6am-12pm.... i'm going to be working six days in a fucking row. [please don't say "well, its money".... money can't buy my sanity] so not even a minute later i have the receiving supervisor calling me telling me she really needs me back there to work on the infant care boxes, but i still have the other supervisor telling me i need to be at the registers. a THIRD example of the lack of communication between management. finally once the lines die down i am told to go back to receiving. only to be yelled at by the receiving supervisor for something i DIDN'T EVEN DO. she says "if you want to be on the morning crew you gotta hustle." excuse me? i never asked to be on the morning crew. i never WANTED to be on the morning crew. its YOU who keep scheduling me on the morning crew. so FUCK OFF. at this point my stress level is SO high that i am on the verge of tears because i can't do anything else but cry. so i suck it up. and go back into my cardboard box filled hole.
finally i get to go on my last break and i am talking to a girl about the drag races. when i get upset or irritated or anything of the sort i swear much more then usual. my mind is racing so fast that i can't form sentences fast enough, so i fill in the gaps with curses. sorry, but i do. so the convo went something like this: "it was so fuckin' lame. i was fuckin' told that it was gonna be fuckin' hot rods and muscle cars, but it was fuckin' raced out asian cars" then i had a co-worker come up right behind me, put her hand on my shoulder and say "please don't say that. i don't like that word" now, FIRST off... i hate being told how to speak. my words offend you? don't listen. and it offends ME by not being able to express my feeling the way i choose. so it really doesn't fuckin' matter if i'm offended. your precious virgin ears can't handle a few four letter words. see you in hell cock sucker. fuck off. second off... my day at the point had just been building and building and building that those few words of the nun just pretty much made everything else explode. i have never fought back tears SO hard. i was thinkin' of going into the bathroom and just letting it out, but then i'd have to deal with puffy eyes, and i just didn't want to go there. so i took my extremely extended break [around 40 mins. ha ha ha] and went back to the very back corner, piled boxes so high around me that i wouldn't have been able to be seen if i was standing on a ladder and just attempted to finish out my shift.
of course as soon as i got in my car i let loose. i cried for a good 45 mins. over a fucking RETAIL store. that's ridiculous. i swear, the place knows nothing about running a business. having watched my parents build their company from NOTHING i have a good sense of what to do, and what not to do. and they are SO short staffed, and SO unorganized it is revolting. there is supposed to be 12 people on the morning crew stocking. there are an average of 5 a day. one of the problems is they keep hiring minors, who can only work from certain times, and who can only work in certain sections so they over-work the legal people to the point of a nervous breakdown, as demonstrated by my display of water works.
so basically now i am back to lookin' for a job, and the second i find one i am raisin' a fat middle finger to Babies R Us. two weeks notice? fuck that. they don't deserve such courtesy.