Mar 30, 2004 00:13
i was thinking the other day about the way that we trade, and i realized i like the trades that we make.. you see, on any given day, you'll acknowledge me and wave and then give me a smile and take my breath away..
yeah, i'd say that i like our system alright..
it's a silk road that departs from my lips to yours, and the bumps on the path are no faults of ours.. well, at least no fault of mine -- pause -- blink blink -- i smile and you whine.. and a smile and a roll of your eyes measure time, as they bring us back to before the punch line.. and we can now reexamine this silk road again and measure the consistency of this bit of thread.. yes, the count is quite more than egyptian, i fear.. cuz no, cotton doesn't get stronger when dampened by tears, and the egyptians don't measure up to the asians in years.. but alas, our path is cultured by many more than the common tootin'.. the french, eskimos, and butterflies travel into the depths, ending up on noses and cheeks and the valleys of necks.. silly news, too, is brought to me from abroad.. oh yes, very silly news, much sillier than i thought.. and oh no, it's not the normal tootin, we'll contend.. it's in pbbt's and pbbbbbbt's and big toothy grins.. languages often sound funny to those who do not understand, but when you're in the loop then it's more than just silliness and noise.. through the pbbt's, you see, i'm more than just a lonely boy.. and you're more than just an amazing girl..*
[i tell her that i'm gaining a lot from our trading, but she doesn't seem to mind and i'm not sure why.. and while i'm not quite sure why my happiness is fine with the divine at this time, i think i'll not question and just bask in the light til the sun don't shine..]
* it's rare when two define synergy when observed by the world..