OOC: Meme

Apr 19, 2010 00:04

Another one of those choose your characters number thing. Put your characters in 1-10 and then answer the questions.

1. Robin Rice
2. Martha Jones
3. JD
4. Xander Harris
5. Elizabeth Jules
6. Danny Smalls
7. Harry Potter
8. Rusty Hunt
9. Luke Roberts
10. Randall Flagg

1. Characters [4], [9] and [10] are at an arcade. What game do they choose to play, and who wins?

....... Xander, Luke, and Flagg are at a arcade? Xander plays Asteroids or Pac-Man. Luke watches and cheers. Flagg takes the souls that he wants and destroys the arcade. Flagg wins.

2. Make up an e-mail address for [6].

somebody02@whatever.com or dsmalls@badass.net :|

3. If [8] had an iPod or some kind of music player, what kinds of songs would you find in it?

Oh gosh. I don't know if Rusty listens to music. Is that weird? It is. Classic rock if it had to be something.

4. What would you do if [9] suddenly paid you a visit?

I would probably end up having sex with him, assuming this is before he become HIV+.

5. Do you think [6] and [4] are made for each other?

Danny aaaaaand Xander are not made for each other. Danny would annoy Xander. Their sarcasm would make it all explode.

6. [1] challenges [3] to a no-holds-barred duel. Who will win and how?

JD vs Robin. It could happen if JD was drunk, and Robin would win. What a horrible, fluffy, adorable thing to kill.

7. [7], [2] and [1] order a pizza. What toppings does each one request, and what do the others think of the choices?

Harry, Martha, and Robin order a pizza. Harry Potter would like something odd like pineapples on his pizza. Martha likes extra peperoni. Robin is not a huge pizza eater. He probably would eat a veggie pizza or a fancy pizza. Harry and Martha wouldn't much care what the others chose. Robin would probably make disgusted, snobby faces.

8. What subject would [1] teach if s/he were a teacher/professor? Would s/he be good at it?

lulz. Robin..... could teach a lot of different things. He never graduated from high school, but he's read so much over the decades. I think he'd like to teach French though. It might be something that he'd actually enjoy, and he'd be good at it if he could remain patient. If he taught French now, he'd be good at it, because the place that he is in now... is special. And really only his trigger could set him off at this point.

9. [5] and [10] go on their first date. Where would they go, and what would they do?

.... Elizabeth and Flagg go on their first date. He would take the date to her. Show up in her room with dinner for her that doesn't get eaten, force her to be attracted to him by appearing in her dreams every night for weeks beforehand. And then the dinner would not get eaten because he'd impregnate her at first chance. It's how he rolls.

10. [8] sings karaoke and dedicates a song to [7]. What song would s/he dedicate and why?

Rusty sings a song... to Harry Potter.

I don't even. Know. He'd have to be drunk to sing karaoke at all and even then, it'd take some dragging. Maybe Meatloaf? Or Dianna Ross. I don't know why he'd ever sing anything to Harry. Love potion gone wrong?

11. How would [8] court [6]?

Rusty would court Danny by dying quickly. Yaaaaaaay.

12. Describe the relationship between [2] and [8] in the canon. Would you change it? Why?

There is none. This is probably not made for RP characters, but oh well. I use it anyway.

13. In your list, who do you think is the perfect match for [3] and why?

Luke would be good for JD. XD He's the only one that could handle him likely. It would be interesting to see a world where Martha and JD got together. JD is definitely attracted to her, and I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility that she could be attracted to him. It would be such a different relationship for her.

14. [2] has a dream where [10] tells him/her to save [1], who is facing certain doom. What would [2] do?

Martha has a dream where Flagg tells her to save Robin. She would wake up, laugh at the ridiculousness, and go back to sleep.

15. [9] and [6] are about to get married, until [3] crashes their wedding and abducts [9] against his/her will. [6] follows them, but must forge an uneasy alliance with his/her archrival, [1]. They must then hijack some form of transportation from [8] in order to get to [3]'s lair, where they must fight against [3]'s evil zombified minions. What will happen next?

Gosh this is complicated. Luke and Danny are getting married. JD crashes it... and abducts Luke. XD Danny has to form an alliance with Robin. So they hijack transportation from Rusty (is that a word for drugs) to get to JD's lair. Uhm. Well. Goodness. Danny and Robin would pretty much kick ass against any minions of JD. JD would be screwed. Luke would be saved! And JD would get his ass killed, cause Danny don't fool around with people... kidnapping his loved...ones.

16. [8] receives a gift from [9]. Does s/he open it or not? If so, what is inside?

Rusty receives a gift from Luke. Sure, Rusty would open it. Luke probably gave him..... money for a night with a whore!

17. [4] is walking home when s/he sees a cute fluffy creature, which promptly begins rubbing itself against his/her legs. Will s/he kick it away, or take it home?

It depends on the fluffy creature, but Xander would take it home, at least over kicking it away.

18. [8] is dared by 4 to strip while pole-dancing in front of [7]. Write a short dialogue about this.

WHY IS THIS MEME CONTINUOUSLY PUTTING RUSTY AND HARRY TOGETHER. No. I'm not writing the dialogue. This would never happen. I'm too emitionally jkre;rleja;k to write anything atm XD

19. What smiley/emoticon would best describe [5]?

I don't know. Is there an emoticon that makes no sense? I go with that one. %.-

20. If you had the chance to rewrite [1]'s life, how would you change it?

Oh dear Lord. Of all the people for this question to be about. I don't know. Robin says he wouldn't change anything. there's a lot of parts that I could change though, and I'm not really sure what to... do. I could take away the abusive mother, but then this Robin would not exist. I don't know who or what would exist in his place. That's an AU to look into someday.

I'd have him be honest with Rachel from the beginning? I'd have him never sign that contract? I'd have him be less dumb in general. -_-

oc, meme

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