Title: Sorrow Floats, Chapter 8
Despina_MoonPairing: Gojyo/Kanan
Summary: Gojyo has a surprising secret from his past he can no longer hide. Will it change everything in the present? Saiyuki AU. Mostly.
Many, many thanks to my beta readers, the amazing
moshesque and the fabulous
whymzycal. Those two have humored me and put up with months of whining and crying
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Comments 30
I guess we get Hakkai's reaction in the epilogue.
And I appreciated how you worked the title into the story with him tossing the mementoes in the river.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
This sentence works for me. I've always thought Kanan incredibly selfish for killing herself, so it mirrors my own feelings about the situation.
Interestingly enough, the way Minekura developed Kanan's character later on it seems extremely out-of-character for her to commit suicide, so I just try to theorize that the tramua was seriously that powerful. So fuck Gojyo for even being mad at her, he seriously has no right.
I need to reread this later this evening when I am not at work and bawling like a baby. I still wuv you and think this is brilliant. The best chapter so far.
But to find her brother all but broken much as he had found her except he stopped the real tragedy from happening to her before hand, and found hakkai after the fact stil quite an interesting fete i look forward to the next post of this story.
Gojyo might have tried harder to remain faithful because he expected/hoped she'd return once she was finished; she probably realized even before this that she wouldn't but wasn't ready yet to tell Gojyo that, both for her own selfish reasons and because she knew it would hurt him.
There's no indication in the story that the reasons she ultimately gives for choosing Gonou over Gojyo were false and they make some sense.
I tend to agree with thefacelessevil that Kanan and other female characters are judged using a different scale than is applied to male characters.
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