Superheroes, Good Climber, History, Hookah, 4:30am, Thailand

Jun 27, 2005 19:30

It's the middle of Session II, and I'm liking the Superhero theme WAY better than the Princess theme. Just the idea of little 6 yr old girls as superheroes is funny enough.

A quick excerpt from one of the campers:
Little Girl (who has a HUGE southern drawl and a lisp on top of that): I haf free cafs, Rafthcal, Cath-Cath, and Good Climer. We caw heem Good Climer cuz he climb real good. Good Climer juf got back from da vef. [translation: I have three cats, Rascal, Cat-Cat, and Good Climber. We call him Good Climber because he climbs really well. Good Climber just got back from the vet.]
Counselor: Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, Jenny. What happened?
Jenny: He had ta git hiss cwaws ofth. Now Daddy don't cawl him Good Climer. He cawl him NO-Climer. [translation: He had to get his claws off. Now Daddy doesn't call him Good Climber. He calls him NO-Climber.]

Keepin busy with school work. I'm about to get started on a history's gonna be pretty cool because I get to pick any time period and interview someone who lived then (and no, I can't interview dead people). I'll probably interview my grandmother or my neighbor...both good storytellers.

This past weekend we threw a sort-of surprise party for megs at the lake. It was kind of a joke because most of the guys were like "Do we HAVE to yell surprise?" And so they didn't. In fact, all they said when she came in was "hey." haha oh megs, you know they love you. I think my favorite part of the night was when taeho and ricky tried to fashion a homemade hookah.
and at about 4:30am, after everyone was passed out, i sat out on the dock. it was so incredible...especially because it was about to rain, and i would occasionally feel a drop on my face.

...and sunday morning I got a phone call from THAILAND!!! it was so funny because i looked at the caller ID and the phone number was like a billion digits, and the first three were '666.' haha everyone was like, holy shit, Satan's calling you! ANYhoo, twas very good to hear from davy. especially to hear about the prostitutes that are all over him.

okay, off to read about the Byzantine Empire.
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