(no subject)

Feb 15, 2005 20:58

Well today was a normal day I guess. Me and Kolby literally laughed our asses off over the dumbest thing in New Testament. She through a piece of paper at me and we just burst out laughing :)!!! I got my kitten today. He is so cute. I think I'm gonna name him Gunther or Gilbert which one??? Well I guess I'm going to youth group with Kolby Tash and everyone tomorrow... my first time going so I'm kinda scared. It will be fun though. Me and Kolby are also going to work at Sunnyside after school calling out bingo numbers haha thats so funny I don't know why I was really happy yesterday when Joey got me roses and a kitten I cried he made it my favorite Valentine's day <3 I know we're not still together but he will always have a piece of my heart. There's enough for everyone hehe well I guess that was my day gtg luv ya lots *:Kelsey:*
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